The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)

To Plata A Clatsified Ad Call (602) 444-3424 Apr. 2000 The Arizona Republic MC11 5346 Office 8381 8357 Pools, Spas, 838J Restaurant 8378 8380 8388 8400 8412 Yard Sales 8428 Yard Sales Equipment Pianos A Organs Hot Tubs Equipment Sporting Goods StereoRadio Tickets TVVideo Northwest Valley West Valley A MAJOR AIRLINE A Big Selection of Used Digital Brand New SPA, nearly 7x7, Ice machine wbin, pert cond. Paint Ball Gun, Pirana, plus Maranti modular stereo sys- A CABLE BOX vs Cactus87th Ave Sat 8am-noon April 22nd Sat. Only, 8dm-4pm, FURNITURE LIQUIDATION PFanos Keyboards on Sale cover, computerized system, 800lbs. $495 (602)276-876) accessories.

$375. tem wdual tape deck CD SATELLITE DISH. Get the only, clothes, household, kts baby crib, bedding, swing, Hundreds of Desks, Fifes, Today Only. All Brands at life, warranty, delivered. (623)878-6704 player, (480)820-0888 Cfl IIIIUftllhHkPlttl facts not the BS.

(602)450-7778 of stuff. 8828 Wethersfield baby clothes, ab roller, much To vfewPane'5' '(602)27512226 GuSSf kKdCltv" S1B90. BOSV-l p.rin Pin Seeker titan reg flex grap Pioneer CDwchgr, $250 VMWDMi. A Sony 72" RoaJ No early birds. misc.

12826 W. Windsor Ave. (602)25-2226 Guitar fceyooaro ICW Refng pizza tbl, grease trap, 3-PW $385; Top FlitePin 400 watt amp, $150, Orion Front Pro edion TV GrandBelt, 17817 N. Kimberly OysartGlendale, 5636-A Ute Alls, Haworlh Workstations. ffir01 bOlar r00l Heating sllcer, food process, char Seeker titan 1,3,5 woods firm 15' woofs, $350, Sony CD A.

$500 (602 240-5570 Way, Sat only 7am. On BR (Luke AFB). Frl Sat Xlnf cond, loaded, $1000 per ciiSSSt-Anww Reii ai Collectors $50ea (480)488-2428 SA Ml graph $245. Misc asst. putters wchgr $300, Alarm $125 f) Member set, DR set w6 chirs, misc 7am-? SS refrig, furniture, station.

Call (toy A SnOF A SALEl' Spa, Coleman, 4 person, less SZTTZ Jt, SSIW WnhrMf CentralNorthern Big Screen MGA 40" tabtes lamps, 602-418-3376. churchorgan, misc gaiore! Bookshelves, pallet lack, stor- WherlUvou can 'basket" vour man 1 J1000 Pilfer VSX902-S av rcvr. jSlUS Arizon. stereo, $450 Call (623)245-2530 Greenwav75th Ave, Smal ap- GARDEN LAKES multi family age units, cash counter, card SEfSf ai NEW and uSeri 602 942-1045 d00rs' Pins Eye 2. 3-W $300; Titleist CTW900R dual tape deck.

Arizona pliances, childrens toys, cloth- garage sale Sat on 7-noon racks.416, 2-7pm; 427, 10-2. fna-gnffiL37f drnitic SPA shell only UV or Limn (602)978-5472 $230; Slazenger Tita- (480 288-6660 i housewares, fri Sat T07th Ave 8, Indian School Frlfay afs'tSfday SaayHc 'UeV maXleX'. 9.5 $100. (623)362-1981 Vienna acoustic floor standing COYOTES PLAYOFFS W2)9l9591 7am-l lam. 7425 W.

BanffLn. 10927 W. Ashbrook Canon commercial laserfax. ONLY! Schroeders Pianos $600 OBO Call (602)696-2228 wfr2)A tables Pins ISI-K Irons, 2-LW, W1 hi doss Rosewood speakers C.incTin3 TlirnpraN'nr ku. tu Jimm Grnwy401h Ln.

of Grnwy Maternity baby clothes, TV, New $2795. 4 mo used. Organs, (Keyboards) 435 E. spa TinprPir freezer(602)770-8450 long, stiff, cushion, sti shafts, Acuras 2x250 watt OUnbllld I Ulllcieil oyilC Big Screen TV 45 Mitsubishi, High. FriSat 8-1.

Multi Fam- micro i stnd, exer equip $740 obo. (602)673-1776 Main Mesa 480-969-3660. jfeat wwver WOM Victor Hot Poo Cart, great xlnf cond. $500. (48(5)820-3053 amp (tlopo), Adcorr iGTP-AM Luis Miguel Britney Spears sell $450 SvUFurn, housewares, appli- misc Sat 7am 3913 WTuckev Cash Carry moving salel File BABY GRAND, 57 Sohmer, (480)288-8043 Apache Jet condi Jo use, coolers PING ISI 3-SW, HawkeyeSwd im JIMMY BUFFETT ROW 4 ances, cameras, much misc.

Ln. 39th Ave of Glendale. JrttsnetlB' Call Incl, $3000 (480)807-0157 misc aeveWedaes woVHs MERCURY AZ Rattlers cVndMuM "SB SK- "ffig-J'nS ovin0 Salelots of everything credenza, shelving, can piano, $3000. (602)989-1426 Spa wcover, 4 person, $500 $400 (480)832-0305 player, Aiwa cass, all manu- Ricky Martin free delivery Sacrifice" S98S (4801807-9U3 JSR1' iKE Sat W)4l4-iyw Baldwin baby grand, beautiful obo (623)907-469B 5374 Sewing MachneS -J I lwvatl als, boxes, interconnects, new We accept all ma or CC J'Ji1i FIX La- Ln- Computer Armoire, SAUDER wood wonderful sound, Spas Factory Direct i u.I I LillijJDATAD $4200 selling best offer over TfTlM DNITQri fiQyl QAOA c.olorjy 2f xlot pic- Btwn Cactus 8. Peoria 55th Ave Olive.

000. (602)989-1428 New wwranty at used Vacuums P0OL TABLE 4x8, lpc slate, i2000 6d2-2 13-6485 IfcAM UNLadM-cWiM ture iobo. Also fc' remote Moving-Furn, appliances, lots Moving Sale-furniture, appls, Beautiful Samick Piano: Excel- prlcesl4 From $1995 TZTTtTTTTZS leather pockets, Will Buy used or new Satellite HPKFTC IINI IMITTII 1 more. Saturday 8am-2pm. various items Sat 8-3.

5451 W. Computer roll top desk, cherry lent condition, medium oak ARIZONA PACIFIC SPAS LrtlSa.Vnacuum' cost finish, pertect cond. Equipment. Call Rob I Ivftt I a UHUflll I tu Front Proiector, 3 Gun Sony 5728 Pointsettia Wilshire Dr 55th AveThomas desk, bkcs, file cabinets, con- finish, $2500. (623)581-8437 210 N.

24th St 602-225-0101 finiAx5320' $1500 obo (602)347-1167 (623)297-6973 nTWl T1 CRT wline doubler 8, draper 623-486-0046 between EncantoThomas ference tblchrs 602-989-2630 CASH FOR PIANOS Website: 16uz)w-4JZU. poou TABLES 1M I ITT7T.I tfT TTS screen. $1500 (480)946-7436 MOVING SALE Moving Sale turn kids stuff Copier machine with auto ORGANS KEYBOARDS Steambath equipment. Com- "fSM'nSSPIi 8382 1 1 II I 1 kV Hitachi 50" BIG SCREEN TV, 8-4 Sat. Sun.

4208 W. Calle appliFri Sat 9109 feeder, sorter optional, $495. Phoenix 602-248-0619 mercial quality. 208480V. shape I I I t.n'l! surround sound speakers $95(i Leios jyrnilure and Via Undo.

91st Ave Pinn (602)690-4676 East 480-969-3660 Call (602)696-2228 watt. (623)878-2996 ery! 1 Inventory Reduced Storage Facilities CIIUC rnvnTCC nPAr-UC Can Deliver (480)250-2221 some tools. (623)581-9452 Peak (623)566-6653 HI TJ.nAVAI Consignments Welcome 8X8 Spa 2 lounges bench, Tlwes 6024959W763-2652 iJBl Hitachi 50" dual pic npic, new Moving Sale. Furn, various pTnn Peak43 Ave, Moving lllll-liDAYAD Gulbransen end Piano good conjtior iw7cover $10od tlon- rftpj Tra w-VV- in A 20' Ocean Cargo Container TfSSHSSS Son 36" $350. appliances, misc.

Sat 7-2pm Sale.Satonly7a-lla. COPIER OCE 2475 high speed, bench, walnut, looks 8, sounds Tempe 480-897-8799 $250 1602)301-5157 3JL7 hSFrSSi (602)882-6507 6344 Aire Libre, 6jrd 4232 Mariposa Grande. areat. $850. (602)788-8235.

Rainbow $400; Kirby Heritage (ffinzo0 Cave Matt 480-502-9494 JVC professional video AveBell take Kings. Furn, clothes, 8, misc. Hammond Organ, B-3 with 5362 Restaurant iMMSS Poof JMe Olhausen 8ft ALLcRTS CONCERT system wednHer "$800 MSviSg furniture, freezer, 10 Family. Frl, Sat Sun, 8-2. COPIERS; Recond.

Like New Speaker. Excellent Condition! wattachments. (602)866-1058 Pool Table, Olhausen, 8ft, Private. Near 96th StShea. obo.

Color video security tools, BBQ grill much more. 14707 Lupine Ln, Surprise. Major brands, recent models, $3000 (480)833-7238 Equipment Sewing Mach used once, all ffif00 tAn (480)767-8440 Bf bUZ-54U-Zj4U cameras waudio, $80. Video 9652 N. 49th Dr.

Bell to Parkview, (Kingswood 3 yr up602-678-691 1 Kawai 5'10" Hioh Polish Black attachments, button holer, (480)488-4493 NW corner 44th StCamelback computer cards also avail. Saturday, 422, 7am-2pm pk), N. to Lupine. Copiers Sharps. Desk-top (623)463-9738 POOL" TABLE 5385 Time Laps recorder, $300.

Mum family. Furniture, house $95; 2nd cV many xVat $11,000 obo (480)833-7238 Bj. 'zza warmer1 Singer sewing machine, like Bar reQSJJ50 obo- T. hL 'c TV AOPnPV Call, (623)583-7576 hold items, babykids adult 5438 Yard Sales xlnf cond. $195 602-234-5736 Kimball Rahv Grand i' in" mictS-uSS? new, asking $175 obo.

(602)866-3240 Telephones JQjI I IA ngCI KJ SONY Trinitron 53' XBR. clothes, toys, gun cabinet. laraaaies riitm ronfarpnri. Pnnm Ta totallv Inout flkr irp i Klrby Gen 3, all attachments, Pool table, 7 ft, 2 yrs, llgh oak Works Perfectly, Top of the 9804 50th Ave. Sat 7-lpm.

Phoen SB iran fori 6 $5100 obo (480)926-7554 r7r5 ffr AvndlsPmS $300 obo. (602)978-690 wgreen felt. Slmu-slafe-hard Merlin Plus 8 line tele- D-BaCKS Tina Britney Line. $2000 obo 602-316-6972. Multi Family Yard Sale fi'lauMMaicon- Kimban Ele SpinP ayer Pl- WB SINGER Touch 8, Sew model "$500.

(480)539-1263. honYStem, $499. Byffett Martin Wc Email sonytvCPQbox.con TatWtm A BIG SALE, Sat. 7-Noon, temporary sett ngs. $300.

ano. bench rolsmk Tu 629 spec a zig zag, carrying Pool Tables moved, recovered. IffS cYil fil.Tl JllJIVJin 15342 WDollLn men's clothing, hsehld goods, ZiTB2)c BLEaoAYAD ussim' onse' SSSSe ,2 01 table. Custom wood 4x ture 1 jJJiSBS 480-968-3939 ylThfrds Mutii Family Yard Pre Sale, WcT Dkt ts'f cond SSI' cS "'NfeVK- t6 OlpDcel bIEJDS IKSiF "make'ofierflWkS Bo nprM TnnTv caSlanfytinShee3P- Vacuum, Klrby G5, with at- Pool Tabte A cond. Olhaun KXrS'BBSde- 8tS: KaWfiwS vE3 J.1 loiM; DPntttl tS'amPS Phx.wk days, (602)455-0268 OPEN TODAY Ansel hood fan, prep tables, tachmentsi shampooer ffJ' uffl.eSiffl 800-246-8499 Em i IS? obo Northern31st Ave Huge 3- I Pi duresMAirrors TTTmnavan Sat 12-5 dishw, stove, sink, and much vdeo.

$800 obo (623)849-8194 take $1999 obo. (602)390-8176 browser, $900 new, sell for fr 1 (Ny) AskforBobbie 602)604-2485 Family Sale, Hunting, camp- Couches 111 f-llDAYAD 500 Pianos in Stock fr $895 more. (602)565-6328 pqq table 3x7, slate, new $700 Call (520)821-3064 WKiJk IT ing. toys, ools, clothing. FriS.

FrhSat-Sunday9a-7p. Steve Ermnnmic Office Chairs WASHBURN Piano since 1952 Bagel bakery over Cutler Ro- '37B felt, pockets, $450 firm. Call VISA TV: 40" Mitsubishi, 1991 Sat 7-4, 3135 Augusta Ave 602-505-8120 or 602-294-071 1 wSSiSJU 1750 now used $75 Scottsdae: 480-990-8800 tary Bake Oven wbakino (602)841-0168 Fri, Sat or Sun 5388 VK model' $20- Ar i K' SSF lyS" l2 Ticket, CZderJ, V.tener'opvof WSf) Exec office desk, too. Organ, Gulbransen, 2 full key- revoTv racks 26x76 cap 20 std (Bogner Yellow Ski Suit Like (480)855-4589 BMBMiiHHaMKM paid $400 take $300 for 2 Academy, Awards, show North of Glendate oS 17th oak creWnza boards peddels, bench, 18x26' bun pan, selling for New Vok, (Sk's P9 200cm tickets, include meals 8, March 26. Compensation.

Ca Satonlv7am mat swlvri thSfr 5100 0(623)939-2219 apprsd value $22,400. 3 com- Salamon 97 Bindings), pTte8 titlte ,750 parkino pass for 4 dayl Keith (480)894-9169 se MbdFri-Sat6 am-2pm, Samam mat swtnalrf ff TrU? TnS'f Plin- 2 flfl MmWfoml (480)94)R)8 7307 HatChef Rd nmcd mfc! mglti File cabinets, 4 drawer, legal $200 (623)584-9693 M-at nrinripr t45n 1 a ible-OflereMlfeoM Pooltable light mahogany, 1" UU, UUMUHUDmt. DI.a. Bic- mSaf7-3, 6th Iti bTks standard size $30 ea. or 4 for gatTandsw nnM sVam Rr, rir lhiT m.

slate, 8', clawball feet, mtchg Thi, L0V0t6S rldVOTTS 'ure' (623)846-4171 Peoria43rd Ave, 4219 W. of Bethany. 1546 E. Solano Dr.

$100 (480)838-58 4 P.ANOS, Used from $999 ifflffi 'eo 77 HthLw Lower Level $75 Vs fff fio meDsriSoFrern'- ATcMoina Sale Saton.y, Hon Lateral File Cabinets, Exclusive YAMAHA Dealer lcL m.e,rcllant)'xerc,.75- sfate. $1600 obo (480)897-9163 xmtcond, $1600. (460)775-8569 Great PricesService Others Avail. 602-678-0932 U50 TV like new $150 8am- lue 4x6 oriental rug 4drwr vert cabinets, offcdi- Bun racks $30 8, $90. Slicer nzzx Scuba Equip, regulators, con- rrn mn 1111 oujwojiroi Mjy iixe new inu, H(H $375.

Mauve Iv seat $175. Pic pmSS 'gaEfejSi, SSSSsB (2)279-4444 d-backs-giants 1 I j6 LjSRce, SB MSSM CFteCHIS Great Seats, 602-678-0316 Salel Furn, app, morel SALE bkjk B2-3 ceyfeem?" BKmijSF DELIVERY COUNTRY THUNDER Northwest Valley A 2,,, tables more. 602-437-2224 SoJ Pmixer iCho? tahl'mMt Eveswknds (480)820-1701 belts. Used. (602)697-5205 1 day pass $25, 4 day A Huge Sale: New knives, 10951 91st Ave.

THOMAS Cathedra Style ffl-JJ Ia Cleveland 792 Classics. 3-9 and i pass $45 602-290-4485 micros, vacs, steam clean Peoria. Hope to see you there. High School Garage Sale 5347 Organ, excellent condition, r' fHXi0? weS wdrhre fairwav i CrO yv-0J Lots of items from several 8347 Photography $S0Tj. (to)922-9462 cream machine.

(6(fe)722-2907 s74o7lTron soffi "tesTstterdPehV CV Sflfl PHOENIX SUNS PLAYOFFS 3B'i? Sat only 9647 ple7P30onN7tlhssAu5ea, onlv' AB nOCU arS Yamaha C5, Grand, same Coleman toaster, 50 bakers ing TPC putter. All xlnf cond. pekf Ret $395 BLO-buT OUJIS ll center f'Li1? iai 9.L Sni' Be" 47th Ave Mountain View. 7530 13th Ave nmocuidra asne yfoeKonabli P.a"?-, L.Nf f. roa.r 450 obo (602)439-4872.

480-421-2421 $75 i' UP602-254-33M tweem Bell 8, Union Hills. Furn, bikes, clothes, Jewelry, Huge vard sale. Sat only 8am- bToSftrTaE 11-120, like offer. Charlie (602)679-3898 ElectricolCaft A Vt rr rnu S.uP6m Z54 43w Arrowhead Ranch. 67th Av 8, hshld items, baby stuff.

torn. House hold items, tools, WffteS Sff 1 fflLfAP IKIT L30 AhToX Yard Sale, 83rd Ave Cactus. ftMW aiy 8t IXTniSiafaK MM GOLF CART "80fe99-5246(480W-5426 VJIMMX Best Offer by 51 602-769-2734 7am-2pm. 6998 W. Melinda Ln Computer desk file cabine St.

Huge Mov- CAROUSELS, slide, movie, YAMAHAS dient bins pnwhls. Priced for Brd new, street legal, pd $9K, 5380 iflMlKISlV1" D-BACK Tickets (2) season or At 59th AveCamelback: 8am- Saturday 7a-nooh. IffiliirrnimSi SWS' proiedors, Pentax SFl. Modern Uprights like new quick sale. (602)840-2034 sell $5250 obo.

(480)488-1291 EAVlIMIlVE by individual game. Sect 204, 'Pm, Sat only. Computer desk, micro Sat 422, $4-i350. (623)972-5293 condition. 869 Expresso mch, coffee grinder, GOLF BALLS.

I buy used golf StereoRadiO raaWHK eq uip, "oks, clothes sm yard Sale, 1 day only, Sat, Apr am. 1406 Diamond St Nikon, N90S, wNikkor lenses, yogurt mch, frig, freezer, ice- balls, any quantflv SPORTS vr CONCERTS vtIHEAIkc PLAYOFFS SUNS vs SPURS, records mSc S-iio 22, Everything must Moving after 28yrs: He said my 28-200 mm, 3.5-5.6, 85mm, 5357 pmlc Cmt o-matic, tbls, chrs, ice shaver (480)503-9292 Amp, Brvston, 4-BST, 250 Row 7) 3 Seats, bv SUNS ..1 9- 4644 VV Altadena Ave. stuff has to go, his stuff goes 1.8D Nicon SB27 flash, wfll- much more. 480)786-0565 V- wattschannel, 20yr wafrnty, PREM UM SEATING Bench, $150ea(602)4f8-2974 BIG 2 FAMILY SALE SAT 7-3 Cactus 8. 47th Ave yd, camp avm Hot Tubs Freezer, Victory 3 door.

Ho- LG I as new. $1250 (623)376-9200 ASiSm. yZ K' rnllf Yard Sale-Fri Sat 8am-lpm Hipg 6006 body prone Above ground pool 15x4 Burner woven ffvtr JSore 0ffer (623)1959 jffi veM'Se3''6 lOGrointi FtooTickets IgdVdyAviilay Furniture, 1960 Ford Fr-Sa'7am, 34th DrTurrfey. NbodT 50mm macro, 3W0' (46499224 Golf Cart, 91, Yamaha Desert 2w.m9o'nroTo'!; 4 midt DWffll Great Price! 602-843-0577 Butler107th Ave, 10806 W. MOVING-ALL MUST GO! pvrszd sand fifter fc pump! HOT DOG CART nlCe' $27 tweet, boi i rr rron Oi ris JlJcS TINA TURNER 427, great Laurie Ln, 7-3.

CDs 8. misc. 1652 Sequoia Dr. 8-5pm SatSun, No early cTnnin emiiD umn rnw through wa skmmer, you rinrwH rnrH iTmhVijid (623)825-7368 $2600, 3 months old, $1300 obo lOUZZDI-'H'W lower evel A floor seats at Furn, sports biz iquidation, sales. Cash Carry.

429 SX'tSn takeapart $300(480)994-360 rMD. 3-10. aCT5 WFSTFRW TUTFS TIPKITS Su" hshoods, NASCA items. Yard Saey 140 Pecqs Ln 47th St, 48th stVan timer, extras, pd $3000, sen Above ground pool, 4x24, 2yrs ce Maker Ne ysta Tp GraDhitt i Shafts, special pa- Bose AM 15, surround sound WtiltKN IAIt lltRtli country Thunder Vip Tickets Cac1us39im Ave. Sat only 7-? tools, bicvlces, 8.

much more MovingSale $1500 obo. (601)570-6600 old, xTnt cond, cover still in 'oib pfodudlon remote rivi uvK O0'cost speakers, new in box-never IIMMV RIHTTT Vt I IIP (2) $600 (48019820551 fid adult clothing, weight FridaySaturday, 8-2pm Furniture, housewares 8. niiuni ta mayviim box, auto vac many xtras iSfflinw uma Sim vSMv7r (602)998-4412 opnd, store price $1300 tax, Jlnllnl DUrrLI DU Ur wt.jouu i4uiyz-u33i bench, household items, lawn- more. Sat only 8am-2pm 3W0m TDS rew $250 tlod "rm 4B0)4T9-4325 MDT Golf Clubs, Mizzuno MP-14, Price $950 Tno taT Al I THFATRF mower. 3801 Poinsetfia Dr.

mm fam. Ream 2501 Highland Ave. IW5, new, $5U. iorns, 2-SW, xlnf condition. 480 396-8181Mbl 602 741-3744 flLLorUnio intAIKt Country Thunder tix-2 VIP rig clothes glass- Moving Sale everything must (623)334 2468 TmPlefe, 1 yr $20 o'SPwXr' ied" W0 obo.

Call, (602)430-3780 fjr-j, WATERS ANTHONY i I waVftio a chr.misc 381? go "urn household3 items 5351 (W988 SwvStviftL Gotf Clubs: Tommy Armor 858, ULUJDAYAD S600OBO (f23)907-927 I Gorogo Sole Cochise today Sam- galore Sat Only 6am 6529 N. BIG GUY Spa wGazebo, 2vrs (602)570-6600 men's custom, P-9, xlnt cond, Bose AM15 surround sound UNA RIUIY MNL AZ Diamondbacks, Mercury hgn Mnrthm Maryland12th st. PianOS A Organs 9H-seats, 7. Xlnt cond! lOrig. Kitchen sink Hobart 30ot (602)750-3464 speaker system with powered GREAT SEATS SERVICE Cardinals, great seats, pack- 'nPve flilS wrbreen Rri Moving sale, household, 14400 yyMI sell for $2450.

Call mixer breSd orooferi oven Golf-Top Flite Irons, 3-FW, sub woofer, barely used, $950. FREE Same Day Delivery ages available. 480 994-4646. Cactus51st Sale!) 2 f14 frgree Kd furniture, clothes, small A Antique 1880 English Upright 480)759-4873 or (60)549-1745 Tpans ianS- steel shaff nlw in BbxTsMi (602)315-4737 ICAOIOCI lrtrt cutie nnynrrc D.nue MM rfnthS5 Baby crft 'wmatt, turn, etc appliances. Sat Sun9-? GranJPIaiw.teautifulburred Brand new 7x7 Spa, 20 let, wth I rtzza prep table? 2 (480)596-6526 Car audio, amps, speakers, cd OUZjZiH-0 jUU SUNS-C0Y0TES-D-BACKS fe, clostn! f.r Lcomo' 1908 E.

Pinchot walnut with inlay. Must see. 3'2hp pump, ozone cover door freezer 8, refrigerator, New Snake Eyes-Iron Sets www witicketi com buysell264-2832800-759-8747 fwir ibed frame with drawers'; 67th AveBeardsley 422 mov- SAUTRDAY 8 AM Maytag (602)494-1031 step, can deliver $2695 400lb ice maker, casR regis- Cast $190 Forded $350 Thin Sony etc. NEW (602)852-0344 "rnoea irame worawe, sale at 6189 w. ppntjac nr wshrdryr, mattress sets, A good upright Piano (beginner (602)843-0690 te, tabes chairs, slicer, Face Drvrs $120 480-610-1855 Cerwin Vega home spkrs, 15 in ffSJT PARROT HEAP 539, hold items.5540 W.

Sweetwa- punching baq, kitch kitchen items, Indian items, intermediate), sounds nice. Hot tubs, 4yr warranty, Fil''oTonmoi ciin Nordic Track Seounia Used wolfer 3 way, xlnt cond, $375. ter. 7am-3, Sat. items, misc.

items. Sat7-10 TV 4302 N. 29th Way (Ind. $395 Glndl 623.435.2800 hard locking cover, 110 voft (480)777-7897(480)821-8210 Ifi (480)759-7201 tt1 vour Depression glass Blakelv School28thSt.) At10IOT QPFPIAI S'700OBO. (48d)539-1677! IWmlrWOT fNan Home Karaoke 3 CD player, TaTnc TravelTours "gfassware 4 pAavterlSa tfflM VTrd Sale at 1203 W.

Colter on xAJ19M0.JrtUAL NEW SPAS USED PRICES incl. 108 songs 8, microphone, 7130 Mercer Lane Airiinp Frpm.fnt Fivpr hundreds of misc. items. W-gat ncia Anne Ln Baseba Sat 422. 2 houses are now one Piano Rental wpurch option 99 closeout sale day time week days rr rv r-v $400 OBO.

(480)706-8798. scottsdae 480)948-9088 uoon rounJ tSo S350 Se f00'01 dishes trlfn se MotI a lo) of good stuff for sale Harmony House 602-571-0161 Spaworld 602-275-3036 2 Mini Donut Machines jaWnflJ frTTTnAAn TIUB TIIPUrD mSnUffiM i5J- AV6' homeSs 3 We" StCked BUY or CONSIGN PIANOS Pool equipment. Solar cover, Make an L-JilllJI I 111 1 ID AY AD TINA TURnER Easv SaleAdvertise vour items 1623)99-8989 Fast ad eFsv Sell vour items WASHBURN Piano Since 1952 sand Alter, pool vac, skim- offer. (520)440-2895 JhaWtfJJ Klipsch La Scallas rewired, I lllrt I UllliLll Easy SaleAdvertise your items ronrfaloR1ct Auo ulino our new EZ Si rates VarH Sam Mesa: 480-835-0060 mer, chlorlnator, manual 2 wall mount stainless steel POOL TABLE, ANTHONY refinished Mac 240 tube Absolutely Lowest Prices Sections Details, some blenaaleOlSt Ave. "singo urnewfcZSe rates.

TarO bale bat Vii Bam Scottsdale: 480-990-8800 vachoses multi-port valve, drinking fountains. $150 each Delivered wallacces $1395. $900. Mac C-26 $200. ADAM jW? UM SJ(L91Jfl iMi4.i4?4i Follow the signs, 20-21-22 (-aii for, rietaili (injl 444-2424 Furniture 8, Housewares Glendale: 623-412-3399 (602)955-4678 Like brand new (480)941-2413 City Boards (480)644-1866 602-952-2889 tTft DuV-MU-ZjW WK (602) 444-2424 LOTS OF GOODI ES.

ca" tor fletalls m2' 444 MM 5727 10 St, Phoenix iMiiivrntM-f li White Wicker Couch 8. coffee Wall Clock Early $60 1 Little Tykes Pool Toy w4 (4) 225 60x16 USED TIRES $99 (602)242-8664 76-81 Chevy camaro trunk lid $25 (623)434-9191 Thin set-premium 25 bags for $100. (480)991-5852. Waterlilly, yellow, $5 (602)528-3950 Truck bed liner, LWB. (602)995-1714 lass reptile tank, 10 gal, )2)278-2336 W50 (623)937- Used i $5.

(6 7058 tools, $50 table $100 (623)564-7819 animals sb (ouz)y i-uz 16 American, $25 (48U)3u-si4 10, Vi inch, ball balbs threaded. White Wicker Arm Chair, $30 Wavemaster RC elec boat kit, Wall design, abstract creation, 42" glass top table wbrass legs $80. (623)849-1467 Tie Rack, revolving, batt operated, $10. (480)65598821 TOOL Stand workstation, $25 (480)632-7285 Used street light fixture, 250W, $25. Mesa (480)985-7428.

Truck bumper, heavy wball 40" $25. (602)266-331 lpvt 78 Dodge 4x4 PU, not running, $100 (480)966-7810 $15 (480)649-1640 lCZJ)iB4-Biy $60.00, 480-75-695 motor. IUU. (62J)5J5-5I4I. Whls 16x10 chrm dia 6-hole 10 to 1 gear reduction unit, $35.

Used street light pole, $60. Wall Lamp, brass, new, Tiffany style swag fixture $40. (623)572-4754 TOOL Storage, 7 drawer tool box, $75 obo (602)548-7504 Web TV with Keyboard $80. (480)890-0717 Truck gas tank, 40-60 gal. $75 obo.

(602)616-4310 (6U2)VI-6I5B envy, (ovs80 6U2-yyj-Q2w Mesa (480)985-7428. inOUtdOOr $13 78-81 Chevy Z28 left fender front $40 (623)434-9191 ULMJDAYAD 428 Ford Motor parts, $100, 480-730-1886 Wicker set tea foot stool 8. 200 for $100, Web TV, $88, perfect condition Wall oven microwave, beaut. 12' Saltillo tiles, (480)991-5852. TOOLBOX fits full sz truck, hwduty, $50.

(623)930-5343 TILE concrete stripper, $100. 602-588-9957 Vaccum canister, Hoover, xlnt cond $25 (623)386-9364 Truck ladder rack, heavy duty, full szsbJlOO (623)434-0296 cnusnions. siuu (6U2)BB-J52y Like new, siou, (6U2)a4P-l42U (4BUJ JOO-B33B 78-81 Chevy Z28 right fender front $40 (623)434-9191 14' extension ladder, aluminum fits LB $60 Websters encyclopedia Dictio- 48-53 Chev Truck radiator, $75. (623)388-9211 Wicker table, high quality $50 (480)949-5501 Tile wetsaw, compact6 inch blade, $95. 602-375-2078 Toolbox, Kennedy top box, 7 drawer Truck shell, (602)494-4377 Vacuum, Dirt Devil hand vac.

$25 602-307-0817 Wall Planter (sconce) (480)991-5565 $40 (480)488-928 nary $25. (62J)245-y5JU 78-81 Chevy camaro hood $50 (623)434-9191 $100 gym, $100. Walnut Desk, 24 50, 8 Draw- le drivers side fender 02)249-4519 49 Dodi $100. 14ct rope chain, (602)275-0661 Wieder home (623)878-3866 TOOLBOX small Craftsman $10 all metal (602)257-1985 Wed DressVl.white, 1214, shrt slv, $99, 602-999-7638 TILE-100 sq.ft. large or small, $75.00, 480-731-9480 Vacuum, Hoover Upright 2spd, no attach.

$35 (480)B94-016(J Truck storage toolbox, plastic, xlnt cond $65. (623)487-8035 erS, S5, 62J-B42-UJ5Z 78-81 Z28 camaro front bumper cover $75 (623)434-9191 Wig reddish brown never worn $100 Obo. 5HP Wisconsin engine, good for Go-Kart $65. (602)971-6158 Tools $10 (602)954-1110 Wards dryer, (623)435-5640 Wedding dress, 60's style, sz 8, worn once, $50 (602)840-3746 TIME CLOCK IBM, good cond. $88 (602)224-5287 Vacuum, Hoover Wind Tunnel Mach 3.8 590.

(602)697-4320 Truck Toolboxes, side cross $100 (623)434-0296 PQ Sell $35 6U2-yV5-J26S 14K gold, Diamond anniversary ring I love you engraved. Never $100.00, 480-820-9795 hitch, $100. Willys Wagon, Rolling chassis Warhammer 40,000 like new Truck Toolbox, S-10 54" WB Timing cover-Ford 302, like 5th Wheel (623)388-9211 78-82 Corvette gas tank $50 (602)616-4310. Total Gvm style exerciser. Good cond.

$70 (480)491-9394 Wedding dress, sz 8, beautiful, $100, 480-905-8335 Vacuum Hoover runabout up-right xlnt $50 obo 480-730-8610 8, parts $I5U (6U2I84I-B44 WPaim Kit $65 14BU)BV-0UV2 beg Lover $yv. (623IV7-I iw new ou. 14K GOLD 3 Tier Ladies Chain 21" $75 (480)839-3490 Win shade Hunt Doug neut clr Tire for Neon, P18565 R14, $35 5th whl, hitch, comoi, older style, xlnt $75. (602)870-1863 Touring 18 speed bike short $100. (623)872-3095 westside 78-87 elcamino recevr hitch, Wedding Gown, white, never worn.

$100 (602)410-4273 Washer classic reliable Maytag washes great $50 602-864-104 Truck Toolbox, 7063x20, white $25. (623)247-9025 Vacuum Hoover (602)301-5157 48 Wide, S4U. (4BUJJV6-2454 goooireao, tia. wminju-jli. 14kt gold Bengal bracelet, size 6, $75.

(480)813-8637 Window, sliding wmetal brnze $75. ASH coin operated. $100 Trundle bed, $80 (480)945-9320 Tire Gdyr Wrangler RTS P265- 5th whl Hitch, Owens, 12K lbs cap, $100 obo (623)486-9377 Tow bar, used 1 time, (602)237-2814 Wedding gown, beads, pearls $100 (653)878-6077 Evenings Vacuum Kirby, lust serviced, xlnt cond $60 (602)340-4295 irame 5VX4V My ouz-bb-6u5 79 TA PO Motor only, $25 obo. (480)986-2928 75-K 16 S6U NfcW 602-310-5449 16U2)V56-V62J 14kt gold Dragon pendant, pd $200, sell $50. (480)813-8637 Windows (2) 72x30 single pane trimmer, $8 Washer 8.

dryer $100 for set 55 Gallon aquarium wfilter and lights Tow Strap, nylon, 20'x2' $10 480-668-8023 Tire Mlchelin LTX AT, LT245 75R16 gd shpe $20 602-310-5449 Weed string (623)907-9314 Vacuum, Klrby Heritage II $75 (623)581-9127 sjuoom tMHOBB-yyMi mond, new. $75. (480(837-9012 1602)93-5542 79Z28 Body Chassis, $100 (623)434-0742 Windoroof Lighter pouch. Coli MKT plain band 6mm sz 8V2 $60 obo. Pgr (602)227-1705 WasherDryer GE Stackable 5500 CPM downdraft cooler; 3vrs old, $100(602)841-6524 Towing Electric brake control, new $50 (623)977-1698 Weedeater, Toro, xlnt, $15.

(623)581-3931 Tire P24550 VR16 Eagle Goodyear $30 (602)973-0617 Turbo Cad, V4 w3D $40 obo (602)954-0307 Vacuum, newer Phantom, sell for $70. (602)697-4320 bri gld plated $50 602-244-9376 yuoom itmziBy-y4B4 79 Z28 Rear End, $100 (623)434-0742 150yr old map of Boston. $75 (602)493-0754 $20 WasherDryer, Hotpoint, custom wide Tirerims wranchero shocks, 56 Ford car spindles drums, $35. (623)388-9211 WINDSHIELD, fits Isuzu PU, $100, 623-362-2688 Toy Box, XL Backyrd whls, NIB $45. (602)509-5114 Weedeater electric (480)317-9516 Vacuum, Royal commercial, $100.

(602)266-4245 Tuxedo 44L, pels, $60. JUX IU5U working $50(623)561-116 8 place setting of Corelle dishes wglasses $40. (623)849-1467 16x7' paneled garage door, $100, you haul. (602)375-1715. Wathpr ft.

Drvpr.Mavtao. adjustable waist 56-59 Chev PU big rear window flawed, $100. (602)266-4245 WINDSHIELD.fits Passport and $100, 623-362-2688 Toyota bumper $50. (480)924-3977 Weedeater, Good condition, $35 (480)969-2229 Tire 8. wheel (J) 5th whl, new, St22575R15 $75 (480)986-5054 Vacuum Sanitaire commercial hardly used, $75 (602)340-4295 Tuxedo 44L, slacks, $60.

yrs wh $50 both (480)814-9107 14BUI6U-I I iu 19 Shirley Temple colorized movies. $100 (520)501-1111 150ft 59 Chevy truck rear end $100. 80 AMC Concord, runs needs work. $100 (480)449-9582 TV antenna RCA UHFVHF WasherDryer Whirlpool $80 $100 $5 Wire Fencing, 4ft roll, long, $95. (602)765-2206 Weedeater, Good condition, $35 (480)969-2229 Tire, 17570R13, (602)942-1211 Vanitydesk whtwshd 68" (602)765-1599 146U)288-8V6 Toyota 4x4, 84-89, upper Iwr assembly, A frame, $100.

(602)843-6717. or p*rn iouziyj-vzv i IU HOUIOuB-bUZJ 1900 AM. Mahogany tie 8. belt holder $85. (480)391-2238 6 drawer dresser whitewood, Tires-BS Goodwrlch 31x9.5x15.

WASHER Fridgedaire $100 WOK stainless steel wutensils new $20 (623)846-9911 80. Dark Blue Saphire, 6x4 emerald cut $10 (602)227-1705 WEIDER Home Gym, like new works great $99 (480)816-1704 TV Antenna on roof, $40. (480)951-4244 Vanity Sink, 20x17, white china, $15 (480)836-7056 85.00, 480-699-31 tot pair (4BU)aB-jyy Toyota 4x4, 84-89, front drive shaft. $35. (602)843-6717.

solid 1930s 4 shelf bookshelf, wood, $95. (480)820-0888 6 section shelving, comm'l Washer-Frigidaire HD, good Womans clothes, a box full, $40. (602)765-2206 15' $10. Weight Bench-New wsteel weights. $100 (623)878-7291 Tires, misc (480)570-2457 Vase-Viking TV tall tangerine color $20 (480)423-8638 81 Eldorado PIERRE CARDIN Literature $100.

(480)391-1118 grade, $50. (480)288-1212 tRAFTING Table, metal $100 obo or trade 480987-3083 shape, wnt, $40. (602)564-1816 WChair, $100 (602)971-734 1940's Singer 55-G, hvy duty good cond, $50, (602)274-7536 6 tires wheels, 7-50-16 dual Tires P20570R15 from mini- Washer, HD, good working $50 obo. Women's clothes size M-Lg. $10 for box.

(623)386-7931 Weight bench, good shape, $40. (602)530-9111 TV, console 21" (480)726-2355 VCR, Hitachi, remote, near new, $90. (480)874-1408 wheel $100. (602I23-2814 Trailer axle wsprlngs $75.00 81 Honda Goldwing frame wo title, $100. (602)266-4245 van.

All 4, $OU, 62J-J62-26B8 cono. siuu I623)yju-ui5y 16U2JV52-1 lo 1947-53 Chevy front fenders (2) $75. (623)977-8553 60 BelAir fender, $100, 218 Washer, in great working con- 5in Tires, Womens clothes, petit, S10box (623)334-6924 $25. Weight-chrome dumbells, $50 (480)963-1312 size 15, (480)497-9964 TV, GE, space maker, color, $65 (602)944-0363 VCR, JVC HI-FI, 4 Head. shuttle, $80.

(602)870-1602. 69th Ave, PHX $100 82 Honda Accord parts, doors OltlOn JV5. (6UZ)VJU-5555 Trailer axles, 2, (480)488-2254 etc SIUU 10UZJ4V4-4J 1960 Ford F100 hubcaps (2) v.rare, xlnt $50 480-460-2337 61 Corvair no motor $100. Weight lifting seated incline Washer, Kenmore, white, hd, Tires, Womens clothes sz 6-10. $10.

all (623)872-6491 $25. size 16, (480)497-9964 VCR JVC 4head hifi stereo, $75 obo (623)584-3366 Trailer EZ lift hitch bars 16U2I266-62U $100. (623)937-1443 $100 ObO (623)582-8925 oencn iuu ooo iozjo io- ite $75 1970 Chevy driver side door, 82 Monte Carlo rear end. (602)616-4310 brktSCOmp $60 (6231977-1698 Womens Dress form new sz hvy $4U. 148UJB3B-2686 Weight set, bench, 2 bars, 130 TV stand custom, glass drs 63-66 Chevy PU Drive Shaft $20 (623)849-2880 WASHER Irg capacity, duty, $100.

(602)494-6298 VCR, Sanyo, remote, near new, $90. (480)874-1408 12-24 $75 000(602)453-3618 Trailer hltrh rprpivpr Ford casters li" $45 tis-wi-vsii ins or steel, sy. iouzjo-vm F150 97-00 $90 (480)732-9102 Tires: used (4) 24575-16 trk tires,, $100. 480-898-8805 TiresWhls (2) for pontlac $30 (623)936-1262 83 Firebird, front clips 8, misc parts $100 (602)494-4377 fmniDAYAD VCR. Womens mtn bike new wfront shocks $80 480.314.4532 TV Stand, NEW In box, black Weights bench like new, $100.

Sony 3i Industrial Washer, Maytag, Ig cap, goo cond $95. Cv Ck 602-740-6079 lod Trailer Hitrh. adiudahlp reese. whrdwre, $15. (623)849-: plavrec $100 (623)930-7268 (623)24-I4JJ wgiass ors sbo 460-8yy-4y 1988 RCA console TV-great WU (OZJIBa-IMO $50.

66 Belvedere hood $65 cono, siuu, OUZ-Z4 i-mo 83 Honda Civic, intr misc parts $100 (602)494-4377 WELDING cable 20, 20 ft, $15. Washer motor drive kit, Whirl Wood Beam, 6xl2xl2L, (602)999-5192 Tires with wheels. 20575r15 fits trlr. $99 (602)228-6471 TV standtable, wood, $15. (480)551-1155 VCR tape stor blk plastic 4 sets $20 all.

(480)924-9167 TRAILER HITCH, EZ Lift, $75 (602)938-2325 Autoaraohed Covotes T- lOUZIWZ-JiUU pool, NIB, $65. (6U21266-4245 10UZHJy-Z055 Shirts. $50 (623)572-0139 66 Chevelle exh manifolds Wood bench wloose cushions, $20. (602)978-8606 Welding cable, 20, 100 feet. WASHERSPIN-DRYER, apt.

TV stand, 3ft 2ft wshelf, $25 VCR 83 Honda Night Hawk 650, $100 (602)956-8681 Tires 2 BFGoodrlch $80, 480-922-3977 WSB, $30. (602)504-0920. 2 Barrel Carb for Fords welc $40 (602)246-0571 Size, $VV, (KK-3V2-U2V6 S5 16UZIW2-35UU Trailer hitch, receiver type, complete $30 (480)488-2254 14BU)BZU-UI advance $5u ooo (4bu)598-b5J2 66 chevelle heaterbox for fac 225-75-15. Firetnnes. Wood Table 48x30, 4 chairs $75 (623)580-1163 Westinghouse portable oven WasherWestinghouse.

Needs Tires, TVVCR combo, 20" xlnt cond TvIIh nM Kail 84 monte SS pass.door wglass blue, $35, 623-878-3931 ac car, $40, 623-8 8-3V3I tred. $80 (480)926-6142 2 Beach cruzer styl bikes 1 xlnt VCR, $45 (602)276-8967 oroner pyrex js tui-Lii-im motor. $25. $IUU. (602)225-4530 i aiici iiiiiif, Mia'c at vuiif 30,000 GVW $100 602-870-2916 $10.

1 gooo sou 00m. tis-nt-wii WESTMORELAND milk Wooden step ladder, (623)931-5217 Tires, 2356016, (2), Washer-Whirlpool sm. cap. $75 good 66 chevelle 2dr rear rearside glass, $80, 623-878-3931 TV Zenith 25" stereo, remote, manual, $45 (480)948-3382 VENDING machines-3, 9 slot snack SlOOall (602)439-2355 Trailer hitch, changes truck to 2 bucket seats for S-10 PU, glass, rare, treaa, sjo. (4bu)B3o-jj45 (OUZIBUJ-UUJ '85 Yamaha Triz 250 3whlr, parts bike, bad Kingpin.

$iuu(6U2)8u-zy io SIUU, (4BU)BJU-a45 WOOFERS 10" Ultimate. $60pair. (602)870-1330 Wet Suit Mens, Large 6mm Washer Whirlpool, Ig cap, like TV 66 Chevy SS front grill, xlnt cond, $100 firm (602)269-1256 Tires, 265-60-15, like new, both Vert binds 50x40 multi clr hrdware $35 (480)990-8341 TRAILER, pick-up bed for $50. $50 (602)246-0571 l-J, J5, 6UZ-2I4-BUB5 new SIUU ODO. t4BU)5-4UI6 chain link gates, (602)276-8967 naming, iuu wuijij-oi BODY $100 87 Toyota PU chassis 8, susp.

wtitie $100. (602)843-2394 WOOFERS 8" Pioneer (12) total. SlOOall (602)870-1330 Washer works good can see 67 CAMARO (602)266-7620 Wheel barrel, $20 602-980-4734 Tires 27540 ZR17s BF Goodrich (2) for $50 (602)973-0617 TV-13" color $45 (480)897-1669 Victrola records, Ig collection $25 (623)435-6536 Trailer receiver for Chevy van comouter printers, $20 run svu wnwi-oun 6, lack $50DOtt) (480)986-6ZB4 (623)587-9728 Word Processor SC, monitor 8, printer, $100. (623)780-8745 Washer, xtra capacity, white 88 Camry right fender $45. (480)730-0468 67 Cougar recond radiator, big block, $100.

(623)535-0980 Wheel Barrel, $35 (480)951-4244 Tires 27540 ZR17s Goodyear (2) for $50 (602)973-0617 TrailerRV spare tire 8, carrier TV, 19" Color, Sylvania, rem, grtpiC, $45 (602)866-0390 VideoCD sfrg oak 200 (602)993-6477 $85 (602)996-7404 2 inch, Copper Sweat, butterfly balbe. $5 (480)649-1646 ia (6U2)u-zyi6 Work Desk, like new $35 (623)587-9728 Vintage Hob'e 3pc set $100 $50. Wheelchair foldup E.J., needs 67 Cougar trunk lid, $50. (623)535-0980 TV 19" color, works great. $65 (602)340-4295 Trailer sway bar ball plate, Tires (3): 185x75x14, (602)803-2796 Washer $75 (480)814-0236 18 Ford Tempo parts car, $100.

(602)943-7178 a tire $45. ien I6uz6B-Z5w wwyM-iw 2-pictures $50. (480)380-8336 newsa mzj)y-i6va $65. hood, $100. Workbench casters, (480)892-1802 Wheelchair adult, old but good Vintage Kenmore sewing mach 67 Cougar (623)535-0980 Trailer Tires 4.84.-8 Washer, 2 vrs old.

Signature, $100. (480)775-1258 Tires (3) 22560R16 Pirelli's. $25. (480)767-2440. TV 19" Sanyo, remote, xlnt color, 5 yrs, $50.

(480)874-1408 tub, $5 89 Chevy Astro Van, misc parts $100 (602)494-4377 $4U. (6U2IB6J-2JU5 in caoineTsiuu t6U2)266-Z62 2 stage infant (623)877-2620 (602)234-4797 eves Workbench frame steel 70x36x40 $25 (602)973-5755 cu.ft., $20., Wheelebarow, 4 Washing Machine, Whirlpool, Vinyl, brand new, 22Ft 6in, 67 GMC PU rear wndw, gas-ket, mirr orig $45 480-946-5070 Tires 4 best 225-75R15, 80 on C-10 rims $99 602-956-5008 TV, 25" console stereo $100 (602)952-1718 Trailer (utility) whitch. Needs 1 6 lug chrome factory wheels 4BD-654-4UW worxs gooo sau. iouz)i)4j-zjy4 89 Chew 4x4 steering column wtiltcruise $50 (480)753-9533 some wotk. (62J)y2-uiM cnevy 1 ov, mu.

Workout Machine DP Chair-man. $50 (602)789-9484 Wheels, Chevy pu, 5 bolt, $100 Water conditioning magnets by Violin, full size wbow case 68 Roadrunner, rear glass, $50 (623)582-6953 Trailer winter Inside glass, 9pc TV, 25" Zenith counsel, walnut, xlnt cond. $99. (480)816-0435 Tires, 4, General as, 20555 16 as new $90 (480)348-9897 boys Motocross Bike, $15. casn nrm.

caiuww -m i liMX wniS IUU (6U2)Bd-y i SB5 (4BU)315-B435 seUM). l6U2)BU-2y6 89 Chevy 4x4 Transfer case, $100 (486)753-9533 OUZVM-UJ4 68 Wrench set Flexhead Proto 38 -78" exc $100 480-759-3443 $40 Wheels Enkei style (2) 14" $30 TV xlnt cond. $85 Vise Grip Clamps 2-24R, 2-18R Roadrunner hood Insert, $100, (623)582-6953 Train Set, New in box, battery Water filter, portable, (623)849-8665 Tires. 4 P22560R15 Low ml. $75.

(623)486-7970 20" girl's bike removable -56BU lOUZWM-UBJ SOU operareq. ju. iozj)yy-uzoo rraing wnis, $ju (623M34-y36 9 Chew 4x4 frnt frame suspension $100 (480)753-9533 Writing desk, 19V2x20'Ax40, pine, $20. (623)977-3574 Wheels set of truck rims tires Water Heater, new Ruut 45 Vitamaster wood frame ski $75 68 Roadrunner tail light housing $50pr (623)582-6953 TV 5 Inch, blkwhite, works well $20. (602)788-8953 Tires (4) P235-75R15.

(480)354-4008 20 Kodak carousel slide trays, IUXI5S85. l4BU)jy-6y5 macnine, (4o)b20-ubb ganonsjiuu t4BU)Bzi-vni4 Trampoline $50. (602)276-8967 ZOPO(0ZJ)BO-4IU IU luOn, Final uln4 nuul WROUGHT Iron fence panels, 8' long, $35 (480)513-6114 49 Bronco doors, xlnt cond, no B9 Chevy 4x4 front axle and differential $100 (480)753-9533 Wheels, 15in, wht, 5 hole, 3 dbl VW Bucket seats, blue velour Trampoline 13' Octagon, good Tires, (4), sz 14, wrims. $100. (480)497-9964 Twin baseball headfootboard wframe, $25 (602)841-5084 205x14 tires on Caravan wheels nam inraici.

jzwoi, aiiii lwiu, $100. (662)992-9290 glass $100 602)942-3665 spoxe, nice iuu. euz-4u-jjB 5pair (6U2)yyj-u2yy tvs-ni $45 (6U21V3B-2325 Wrought Iron porch 7'H Stairway Railing, $65 (480)948-7584 Wheels, (2) fact, chrome dodge Tires (4) with rims, P225- VW Bug, tow bar, like new, $25 89 Crown Vic. complete brown. $25 (602)576-9235 69 Firebird fender, left or right.

$75 (623)975-9086 Trampoline, good cond, $50. Water Hose with holder, $15. (623)580-9281 TWIN bed, complete Seally classic $100. (602)278-2877 noie, I6x, su i4Bujyzo-oi4z 75R 15 $60. (623)24-I4JJ I0UZJ4AJ-4IB6 ULUJDAYAD 22 beanie babies wtags- great Wtrbd super sngl wframe ready to su $40 623-849-8665 Wheels (4) alum 15x7, full size 69 Firebird 400 big valve heads.

VW doors TIRES (4), 14" wFord rims, (2), $50 Water ski. Andy Clark wcase. $100. (602)439-4708 Twin bed, matt, coversheets, frame. $75 (602)788-3529 89 Grand Am radiator $75 (602)954-6320 Trans 350th Ing tl, from 78 Chev ndsrbtt $40 (602)274-0427 letr or ngni.

s5 imjjws-yubo OML. lUUail IMHJ64-JZ6U 16U2)D-U42 iuu, ouz-z4i-yy $95, Wuriitzer Console Organ, 480-497-6085 hood $45 Wheels-4 Buick chrome rally's. $100. VW fiberglass fenders. $30 for 69 satelitte (602)938-2325 24" boys mtn bike, 18spd, good WATER SKIS 1 pair.

1 salome. $50 (480)391-7563 Twin headboard, black metal. $10 (623)975-4787 14): 225x60x16, 13-2796 Tires (602)8 Trans 5 spd, 78-79 Nissan PU $100 (623)932-3498 89 Grand Am spare tire wrim $40 (602)954-6320 SIUUOOO I623I4B6-4BH pair 1602)BMJ482 cona, sou. ouzym-zw 8 lug. y-rims, wht, spk, 16.5" Wheels, 4 Chev.

truck 15in hvy Twin waterbed $100. $50 VW heavy duty sway bar, $25. SlUUail (6Z3J8U-544 7 Gallons, Static guide for carpets. $35 (480)649-1640 Water Softener, Sears, duty, $65. (480)838-4833 14): 265x75x16, 13-2796 Tires (602)8 25" Curtis Mathis TV, console, oak, $100.

(623)930-5343 Transmission 700-R4 out of 84 Chevy 4WD $100. 602-286-0769 enrome, iuu, ozj-mo-bvz i (623)334-6V24 14BUPB3-IW0 89 Grand Am hood $75 (602)954-6320 Yamaha home stereo spkrs 140wea. $69pr (480)515-1459 Wheels, 4, 8, covers, 14" $60 $100. VW IRS, tranny works good. In 3' Bozo Clown doll, old item $40 70 Ford rear end $100 602-310-5449 Water softener, Kenmore, xlnt cond, $100.

(602)992-9290 (4): 265x70x15, 03-2796 Ty first gen; Magenta, no 'hang' tag $99 (602)943-4754 Tires (602)1 (602)332-5718 (6U2)VB-5J I Westfnx. S5 (6U2)4J2-4I5J (WV4J-454 Yamaha Tri-z250 3 wheeler. ft satellite dish 8. receiver $100 obo. (602)418-4963 Wheels, 5 bolt Chevy, 4 mags, Waterbed.

Ca Kina, good 'no hang' tag VW rear bumper for Beetle $50 70-71 El Camino tailgate $100 (602)6)9-2046 TIRES (6) 87516J hwv $100 (623)780-2100 booo parts bike. Baa motor. $100, leave msg 623-587-6056 3 solid wood barstools $100. (623)849-1467 TREADMILL electric In good shape $85 (602)803-6073 shape $40 (602)992-4908 15 xb siuu inuzioiy-aMO (4flU)4BB-y2B 91 Caravan wheel covers $40 for set (602)936-2325 $65. 70-81 Wheels, 5, 8 hole It ton chrome Typewriter-Smith Corona Yard equlp-Craftsman gas $100 Camaro hood, (480)926-5280 Waterbed, complete $100 (623)582-6953 VW 1600 twin carbs linkage $100 (602)234-4797 eves Toby mug.

Since 1954 (50 yrs old) $100(602)277-2243 3pcs wrought iron security $50. (623)849-1467 Treadmill, xlnt cond, (602)463-4186 SPOKeS IUU 14BU)4BB-yZ eiecTric wu. iouzjyz-juo trimmer, $35, 46U-ouz-vj5 Door, $100 Wheels 99 Ford truck, 16x7s Typewriter, IBM correcting 91-94 Saturn (602)943-7178 Stove, white elec, $75 71 El Camino leftrioht doors both $100 602)619-2046 $75 Waterbed Frame, qu sz with headboard $55 (602)494-7405 VW 1956 Bug steering column $30 480-585-1996 Toddler Carseat, $5. Cell (6021768-2563" 30 penthouse mags 1988-1991, 50.00, 602-721-6049 Treadmill, Nordictrak (602)439-2677 enrome $ioo set (480)B3-8B (6U2 1244-3050 seiectric $vs i6ZJ)yy-zvi4 72 Olds wheel covers $80 OBO. Whirlpool washer, Ig capacity Youth bed, xlnt cond, $25 93 NISSAN PICK-UP Rear Window, $15 (602)993-9076 Waterbed, good condition.

$50 (602) 788-3562 Typewriter-Royal Manual $25 (480)994-8296 VW 36hp fan shroud bracket and air pipe. $25 480-585-1996 Toddlers CarSeat $20. 1602) 482-9678 for Ruger 8-9487 30 round Hi-cap mac 1022., $40.00, 602-8 readmit reg size, adjustable, good cond $100. (602)268-7165 (6UZ)4y4-ZUI0 runs gn soa. iouz)B-ouv (4BUI82I-I407 72-7 Ford Torino door Whirloool droo-in cook too VW 69 Bug $35.

Zildjian 14" Quick Beat hi-hats, Toilet Typewriter, portable, electric. front tender, $25. 12)432-4153 led. King $100 (480! space saver, (480)354-2974 350 turbo trans, 2wd, non-lock up as is $75 (602)577-0624 TREADMILL, pood condition, $35. (602)992-3500 94 CHEV LONG BEDLINER, $100 Obo (460)961-1932 $100 (623)435-5640 tender $35.

(480)838-788 dwrs, (897-8762 $35 H)ZJ)B46-40 orana new siuu. 62336-BU52 74 Ford Maverick good for White couch, $70 Zikfiian 10" SR hi-hats, brand Typewriter, self correcting, VW 69 Bug, rear fender, $25. In west Phx. (602)432-4153 Waterbed, kg complete, bkese (480)921-3492 Toilet tank lid, white, 8x20'i $10. (623)587-7137 Dash 36in office doors, like new, 4, $100, (602)944-8548 Trek Road Bike 12spd.

$100 (602)870-1330 drag stock $100 (623)878-4332 (480)89-2663 9 Plymouth Vovaoer mat, $15. (480)897-8270. electric in (4bu)vi-baij new j5 nrm. 6ZJj6-bu52 White Kenmore frig 74. Mercedes 450SL, brk pads, Zikkian 20" A Swish wrivets.

works -2609 Waders, neoprene, pd $160, take $56. (602)277-4160 Waterbed mattress, 95 waveless. $100 (602)943-6358 Toilets, white, compl, works, nice cond $15 (602)482-7270 Typewriter-Brother xlnt cond, $45. (480)507-3322 4 aluminum whls, Toyota Camry, $100 (480)963-558? Trim rims, 14ln, brand new. air011 niter ssu i6ZJ)vj-42v good $50 obo.

(602) By new cona, siuu. az336-BU5Z 96 Plymouth Voyager Valley hitch. $75. (480)8974270. 74-7 LB Chev truck rack.

desk $25 White laminate Zildtian 6" A Splash cymbal, Walker, aluminum, xlnt cond, $30 obo. pvt prty Typewriter (Sharp) portable electric $35. 602-268-8348 Tonneau cover canvas for GM SS, SB $40 (480)813-7500 4 custom wheels for Toyota pickup, $90. Jim (623)930-7497 Triple dresser mirror, wal-nut $95 Nice (480)945-6410 SIUU. (6U2JV4J-IB (623I5B0-M6J brana new, $35 623376-8052 new, $50.

94 S10 Bedliner, (623)582-3677 75 Chev PU frnt clip, no rad, White Vase Lamp, peachgrn Zildjian 8" A Splash cymbal, Walker, fold up type, 2 wheel, new $30. (602)843-7229 Waterbed, Ou. complete, W6 dwarped. $75 (623)937-0203 4 DRAWER CHEST WHITE-WOOD, 80.00, 480-699-7371 Ultra Wheels, 15" FordLincoln, 4 for $100. (602)482-2605 Tool box fits Reg.

sz pu, Toyota etc TroDing motor, 36b thrust, $40. (623)934-1754 VW 0UZV35-ZW, y4-UJZ4 oeKO.szvitnrz)vi-u prano new, vo szj, jo-busz 9 S10 right front fender, new, $100. (623)582-3877 75 Chew pickup grW, $50. White vertical blinds 6'x80', ZIPPO lighters 1960 76 (2) Walker, fold up type, 2 wheels, $25 obo (480)969-2229 Unicvde-Schwinn 20" $95 obo 480-804-0993 Waterbed super sngte, 6drwr ped. $75obo.

(602)923-0877 4 piece green sectional $100 (623)580-1163 Trolling Motor Shakespeare DC $45 (602)803-1205 Toot box-side weatherguard 4 pickup $85 (480)945-6410 (4BU)2BB-BV6 $4U, 48U-J4B- iyB VU tot 4. $IUU (40U)JVI-22J8 White vertical blinds B'xBO' ex xlnt $500 coupon for new GM 7 Chevy 2wd Truck i ton 98 Camaro parts: rear bumper hood. $100 (623)587-5869 Walker, two wheels never been used. $75. (602)242-0124.

Waterbed, 4 post, SS, cond, $75. (4801B57-9762 4-rims stk, 96 GM 8 luo. $80 obo for all (623)780-7544 Unisex 20' Murray single spd $25. (623)842-4718 Tool box-sets on bench or base cab wtools $100,602 257-0909 Trotting motor, 28b thrust, $40. (623(934-1754 JIUU.

(6ZJ)J8-05l cel, $45, 48U-J4B-yB carrrucK, j5. (6ZJ)z-i6u White wicker loveseat chair. 74 Mustang II grid support $50. 1 DISNEY Push toy with mar hw duty -990-8869 4 SS Rally Center caps, xlnt cond. $100 obo.

602.796.3264 Watercooler, w5gal, recent sve, $70 obo. (602)740-337878 99 Ford Expedition bench seat, $90. (623)587-8499 Univega 28" Supra sport bicycle, 12spd $50 (480)924-2918 TROMBONE (480)921-9299 Tool box. Truck, ful size, $50. (480)668-1377 $40.

(602)237-7276 bles, $5 (602)971-0216 Walker 3wht f*ckf up $95 obo. pvt prty 48( i III v. l49UJV4O-5B0.

The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)


Where is The Arizona Republic? ›

Phoenix, Arizona

Is Azcentral the same as Arizona Republic? › includes the online edition of The Arizona Republic.

Who runs The Arizona Republic? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

What time does The Arizona Republic open? ›

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm.

Where is the town of Republic? ›

Republic is a city in Ferry County, Washington, United States. The population was 992 at the 2020 census. It is the county seat of Ferry County.

What is the military city in Arizona? ›

Located in Cochise County, in southeast Arizona, about 15 miles north of the border with Mexico, Fort Huachuca is an Army installation with a rich frontier history. Established in 1877, the Fort was annexed in 1971 by the city of Sierra Vista and declared a national landmark in 1976.

What is the largest retirement community in Arizona? ›

Sun City West is located just 2 miles west of the original Sun City Arizona and 45 minutes north of Phoenix (Maricopa County). It began in 1978 and is now home to more than 30,000 people from all over North America.

What is the original name of Arizona? ›

The state's name appears to originate from an earlier Spanish name, Arizonac, derived from the O'odham name alĭ ṣonak, meaning 'small spring'. Initially this term was applied by Spanish colonists only to an area near the silver mining camp of Planchas de Plata, Sonora.

Is Arizona a Democrat or a republic? ›

Since the 1950s, Arizona has been considered a stronghold state for the Republican Party, with the party carrying the state in all subsequent elections except 1996 and 2020 (and even then, Democrats won with narrow pluralities).

What was Arizona called before it became a state? ›

Arizona, formerly part of the Territory of New Mexico, was organized as a separate territory on February 24, 1863. The U.S. acquired the region under the terms of the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the 1853 Gadsden Purchase. Arizona became the forty-eighth state in 1912.

What areas of Arizona are democratic? ›

The party has affiliate groups in localities throughout the state:
  • Apache County Democrats.
  • Cochise County Democrats.
  • Coconino County Democrats.
  • Gila County Democrats.
  • Graham County Democrats.
  • Greenlee County Democrats.
  • La Paz County Democrats.
  • Maricopa County Democrats.

Is Arizona and Phoenix the same thing? ›

Phoenix (/ˈfiːnɪks/ FEE-niks) is the capital and most populous city of the U.S. state of Arizona, with 1,608,139 residents as of 2020. It is the fifth-most populous city in the United States and the most populous state capital in the country.

Where is the Arizona divide? ›

The divide is along Interstate 40 at milepost 190, which is just west of the community of Riordan and roughly 5 miles west of downtown Flagstaff. It's even clearly marked, complete with elevation, by one of our spiffy highway signs, as you can see in this photo.


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.