The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

FUNERAL NOTICES 31 Monday, April 18, 1955 CCCC W.R.Enochs CAMPBELL Anril 17 Ma.i CAMPBELL, April 17. Ma. Rites Today auditor for the State Board of flFATH TAK Lli III I Anniversary Luncheon Underwriters to Recall 1906 Fire Today ponic services for William R. Enochs, 48, city treasurer here, will be held at 2 p. m.

tomorrow in the Chapel of Roses. Burial will be in Oak Hill Memorial rark. Mr. Enochs, who was stricken Friday, recently relinquished additional duties as city auditor because of a previous heart at tack. He formerly was tax LIGHT In thli city.

April 17, Fred Light, idolized husband of the late Rose Light, beloved stepfather of Mrs. Lillian Porter Of Richmond. loving grandiather of Chanene Buch-holz. survived by brothers and four eis'ers In Amsterdam, Holland, a memher of the ErotlioriTxd of Rui- way and Steamsh.o Clerks Lodge No. 21 S.

Futierki services will he conducted Tues. lav. April 19. at 1:30 n. at the Mortuary of Lasswell K154 Mission St.

cor, Wilson, Inter-, ment, Cvpresa Lawn Memorial Park. MA.NMXU-In this city. April 17. 1955. Lucile dearlv beloved wife of Jamea A.

Manning, adored mother of Sister Jamea Patrice. C. 8. Lois and the lata Catherine Manning, devoted sister of Frank Mary and Phvllts Donatio: a member and past President of Carmel Institute No. 2 u.

Friends are Invited to attend the funeral Wednesday at 9 a. from the Mortuary of McAvov O'Hara Geary Blvd at Tenth Ave. thence to St, Monica'a where a Requiem Mass will be celebrated tit 9:30 a. m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemeterv.

Rosarv Tuesday evening. 8 p. m. Spiritual bouquets CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer 1 i to 7p I 8 1 'I IX 0z ii mHzmHzlm SZ o3 3 I j3' I 37 38 59 YA fall Ad A- 77 so 51 TZl "I 11 1 I 11 II Equalization's San Jose bureau. Survivors include his widow, Mary; a son, William and a daughter, Barbara.

Mr. Enochs was a native of Mississippi. "Mary Anne" feared by the men who loved her. Read her fascinating story by Daphne DuMaurier in your Sunday Examiner. 37 Boiled bread fleshy stem crumbs 45 Sea bird 3fl Smoother 46 Except 3'J Esteem 49 Ascribable 12 Fnder- 51 Burmese ground ogre SATURDAY'S ANSWERS Average time of solution: 27 minutes.

Distributed by King Features Syndicate CBYPTOQIIPS JUHX IZUX MZIW TLF HFBI JB TUJIPFL APJAJHTIF FTW-IFL LTMMZI. Saturday's Cryptoquip: CAREFUL BANK TELLER, WEARING BULLET PROOF CAPTURED MASKED GUNMAN. cTKAMEEirnAlME 0 Wtjw I HjlS LLAMASTEPMElNi 5 A KE RSGORL ItJ tZlEL mPpOE AS 1 U. BLL NjD I SE olfjEIS A GjE I DPS EjP EPA Nil RILE YLlS I RONE ft5 BjT ST I AiS-BA the he HORIZONTAL 54 Take offense 55 Impede VERTICAL 1 Bo on guard against 3 Embodiment 3 Envoy 4 Bird of 5 Camper's shelter 6 Potter's clay 7 Embankment 8 Egyptian solar disk 9 KouVnt 10 Reokonliiir-table 11 Harm 13 Snapping beetle 13 Rocky pinnacle 1 Bully-three 7 Pompous exhibition S3 Leveler 11 Moorish tabor 1 15 Carrying on 1 16 Jerusalem thorn ,17 Dweller In 1 Mindanao 1J8 Earth-ciant PO l'eline 21 Polynesian tree 23 DrooB 24 Vast 25 Construct 27 Editor 29 Bleat 81 Indian palm S3 Australian wood used to soil sticks 86 Swinclike itnimal 40 More than 41 Trap 43 Thin 22 Indian rplish 2t Of eve of bean 26 Source of saccharin 4 Kind of cloth 28 Tub 41 Article 30 Tower on 47 wooden pelt Dealer 50 Fruit 62 Make certain 63 Avoider mosque 83 Building material 83 Loath 84 Cross again 35 Slender fish Drallja ABATK, SAI VATORE ALTIC'K, MATILDA BECK, FRED rtRESSLER 88 fri ESPOSITO, ROSE 60 ran ELKTCHER RAYMOND H. I fars FOLEY, HELEN M.



LUCILK M. mannix. william j. McMillan, robert h. miller, annik e.

neklv. robert odeu, goldstein. lutie d. quellmalz. therese REED.




W. 74 mr ZIMMERMAN, ANNA ABATE: In San Francisco. April 16 19.S5. Palvator Abatf. lifarlv beloved husband of the Ists Felipa Abate, loving father of Michael and Carl Abbott, father-in-law of Mrs.

Jennie Abbott, irrandfather of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie F.ara and also survived by other relatives; a native ot Italy, Friends era Invited to attend funeral Tuesday, April 19. at from the Chapel of BUHR WIEBOLDT, 14(15 Valencia nh 2th thence to Immaculate Conception Church, Preclta and Folaom where a Requiem High Mass will bs offered for the repose of his soul eommencln at 9:45 a. m.

Interment, Italian Cemetery. Rosary Monday evening at 8 p.m. Clifford Anderson-Leslie Leonard William Murlo-Servtce whor*'s the Fire? The fire department respond ed to the following alarms late Saturday and yesterday: SATURDAY 9:35 P. m. IBS Post Street, short circuit.

YESTERDAY 12:32 am 22 PauMin Street, wlrlni. 2:07 a.m. 81 Taraval street, auto. :4Ta.m. Bay and Franklin Streets, hvdrant.

8:49 a.m. Baden Street and Monter- ev Boulevard, hydrant 10:39 a.m. 1200 Fulton Street, mattress. 10:57 a.m. 138 Broadway, lockout.

1:07 p.m. 7S8 Harrison Street, suicide attempt. 1 :32 p. 555 Lisbon Street, short In wirlnB. Lvon and Oak Streets, auto, OAKLAND BIRTIIS BROWTs' To the wtfe of Russell n.

Brown, 1312 Lawrence El Cerrlto, April 4, a daughter. CALOU To the wife of Raymond alou, 580 Wesley Oakland, April a son. ROBINSON To the wtfe of Eldridfre D. -nomnson, ouy jonnson Ban faoio, April 4. a daughter.

FRAG A To the wife of Thomas F. Frafta, 2266 Harbor View Martinez. April 5, a son. SANTDMAN To the wlfa of John sandman, 29 Norman Walnut Creek. April 5.

a dauKhter. GRANDtV To the wife of Roy A. Orsn- din, 235t 103rd Oakland, April a. a oauriter. REISER To the wife of Harold A.

Rei ser, 655 21st Richmond, April 6. a son. ROSSI To the wife of Nello g. Rossi, 4835 Webster Oakland, April 6, a son. LESLIE To the wife of Wlllamur Les-lie, 2624 Carlsbrook Oakland, March 27.

a son. LACKEY To the wife of Charles W. Lackey, 1527 54th Oakland, April 3. a dauirhter. LEW To the wife of Ten Lew, 104 eth Oakland, March 29, a daugh ter.

To the wtfe of Peter A Warner, 63 La Esplral, Orlnda, April 4, a son. Sun, Moon and Tide Tabl furnished by United States Coaat Rnd Geodetic Service, 121 Customhouse. San Francisco. MONDAY. APRIL 18 Sun rise 5-31 am Sun sets 6:49 pm Moon rise 3:00 am Moon get 2:51 pm APRIL 3 8 TO APRIL 22 Low High Low High 17.

.1:172.3 7:01 4 3 53:31 0.3 20:22 4 18 4 4 14:14 0.4 20:51 5.1 19 9-57 0 9 9:05 4 5 14:34 0 6 21:22 5.4 20.. 3:42 01 10:00 4.6 15:35 0.9 21:52 5.8 21 5 10:55 4 7 16:15 1.2 6.1 22. 11:49 4.7 16:57 1.6 23:03 6.2 eat all you want! NO Starvation Dlet NO Tlrom Exrcls JiO Dangorou Drugs 4f lose gn ugly fat good form." savs' Emily Post "Cards of Tnanks" may uae4 npropriatv to than; friend of ill deceased. "In Hint, I a and "Mas Notices' afford friends th opportunity to send aporoprlat message to th family of th deceased. Insert: w4nnlvrreary Greetings' "Birthday llreetlngt" ard of Thank" "In Memoriam" "Mass Notice" "Memorial Dedication" on this nag olion SUtter 1-2424.

local 502. nd ask for Miss Ford. Sh will gladly assist vou with help. ful Information regarding correct wording and Publication. hill San Anselmo.

thenc to St, Aliselm Church, wher a Mas of Re. quieia will be offered commencing at 9:30 a. m. Recitation of th Holy Rosary, Monday, 8 p. at the Chapel.

Interment. Ait. Olivet Cemetery, San Anselmo. THORNTON April 15. 1955 Ruth lliornton.

dearly beloved sister of Robert P. Thornton of San Antonio Texas. A Mas of Requiem wilt offered Monday morning- 10 o'clock, at St. Mary' Paulist Church, California St. and Grant Ave.

Interment San Antonio. Texas. Rosary Sunday evening. 8 o'clock. Frlsnds may caU at Halsted 1123 Sutter St, Donations to th Cancer Fund and ptrttual bou-ut preferred.

THOrtSEA In this city. April IT 1955, Esther, loving wife of Jack Thorn and loving daughter of M. L. Ayer. Funeral Tuesday at 2 P.

m. from Gantner. Feldr, Kenny Chapel. 1965 Market Street at Duboce Ave. Interment.

Cypres Lawn Memorial Park. VAX DYKE April 15. 1955. Harry C. an Dyke, dearlv beloved husband of Mrs.

June Van Dvke. loved father of Linda Joyc and George C. Van Dvke and Mrs. Eeverlv De Ber-nardl, brother of Mr. Georgia Priid'homme.

grandfather of William D. De Bernard! David John and Douglas Peier He Bernardi; a member of Hayward Post Ko, 63, American Legion. Services Tuesday afternoon. 2:30 o'clock, at Halsted Co 1123 Sutter St. Interment.

Woodlawn Memorial Park. H'APE In Burlingam. April 1ft. 1955, Iiretta P. Wad.

Idolised wif of James O. Wade, loving sister of Edmund Herrera; a member of th Independent Order of Foretr. Funeral services will conducted Tuesday. April 19th, at 11:30 a at the Mortuary of W. LasawaU 6154 Mission eor Wilson, Interment.

Golden Gate Rational Cemetery. Sar Bruno. woon At hi home. 3345 Ridg Road. l.aiayeite, April lifoo.

ur. Wood, beloved husband of Ellen May Wood loving father of John Wood of Oakland, Mr. Ellen Mohan of Glen-dale, Mrs. Dorothy S. Campbell of Holland, and Mr.

Georglna. E. Agnew of Salinas, dear brother of G. Pwignt Wood of Berkeley, Mrs G-eta Frances Lynch of Oakland, and Mrs. Dorothy J.

Harrison of Orimla; also survived bv nine grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren: nativ of Canada, aRei 74 vears. A farewell service, to which all friends are welcome, wilt be held Monday afternoon at 3' o'clock In the Little Chanel or th Flowers (Hull Sons), Adeline St. at Ashbv Station, Berkeley. Dr. Laurance L.

Cross of Northbra Community Church officiating. ZIMMERM4X In this city, April 18, 1955. Anna Zimmerman, loving daughter of the late Christopher and Addel- hvde Watjen. loving cousin of Henry Watien; a native of Germany. Funeral services on Tuesday, April 19 at 1 p.

at the Comlsky-Roch Funeral Home, corner 18th and Dolores Sts. Interment, Olivet Cemetery, Itt fHrmnriam SMITH, n. In memory of my adored husband, who passed away fiv year ago today, April 18, 1950. MART SMITH. Florists HENRY SCHRUMPF 911 VALENCIA ST.


UN. 1-7301 Funeral Directors daphne's Ssn Francisco Funeral Senrie "Serving All Faiths" 1 City Block Over an Acr of CHAPELS AND GARDENS VISITORS WELCOME 1 Church near Duboce. MA. 1-131S VETERANS SHIPPING H. F.

SUHR CO. 2919 MISSION MI. T-1811 THE ORIGINAL HOUSE OF UHR ESTABLISHED 18S3 AMPLI PARKINO AND 1IATIN9 tf-uneAal elated GEARY AT SIXTH AVINUI SKylin. 1-8409 funerals San Francisco's 2 Oldest A a Funeral Directors ii Miss Lutie Goldstein, patron of music here since the turn of the century, died early yesterday in her suite at the Mark Hopkins Hotel. She was 88.

A member of the board of governors of the San Francisco Symphony Association for twenty-five years until her recent resignation, she was a beloved figure in San Francisco musical circles and was affiliated with numerous other musical groups. She was an inveterate concert and opera goer. She was renvembered as a leading sponsor and financial backer of Isaac Stern, brilliant violinist who began his career here as a boy of 8, and she also aided other prominent musi cians in their early years. During World War II she was co-chairman here of Armed Pnrres Master Records, In corporated, which distributed records to military posts and hospitals. 'She was also a fellow of Brandeis University, non-sectar ian institution in Waltham, Mass.

Her survivors are a sister, Mrs. Hettie G. Ackerman, who lived with her; two grand-nephews, Horace Brown of San Mateo and Alexander Brown of Fresno, and two grandnieces, Miss Isobel Louisson of Sacramento and Mrs. Anne L. Hines of Indianapolis.

Services will be held at 2 p. m. tomorrow at Halsted's, 1123 Sutter Street. Cremation will be at Home of Peace, Colmau S. F.

Symphony In Final Concerts PATTERSON (Stanislaus County, April 17. Boys and girls will take over all city of fices here on April 30 when the second annual Youth Day is held under the sponsorship of the Patterson Union High School and the Rotary Club. Elected to the honorary posts for the day are Michael Dryden as mayor, Michael McBride po lice chief, Gloria Gordon city at torney and John Bessey fire chief. Gen. Dean Speaks At USF Tonight Maj.

Gen. William F. deputy commander of "the Sixth Army and survivor of a North Korean prisoner-of-war camp, will speak at a "GI Mess Kit Dinner" tonight in the Gleason Library Building at the University of San Francisco. Br. Kmmett Hilent, 11.0., Pn.C.

Certified rrortoloirlt. r.S.P.C. Dr. I.e Koy. HEMORRHOIDS PILES NO SURGERY 5U SAN FRANCISCO 2300 Market HEmlock 1-2256 Fri 7-T 7-1 Vallejo Redwood City flfll (iirgl 103 RoospTflt Ave.


Father Aull Foundation 948 Market S. at Maion. San Francisco. Fhone YUkon 6-5873 Hours: 10 to 8 daily; 10 to I Sat. 9BI Dr.

W. I. Brown. D.O. i is Father Anil Founder preferred or contrioiuions may ne mads to the Noviate Sisters of St.

Joseph Carondelet. CARMIX INSTITUTE NO. YLI Officers and Members are requested to assemble to recite the Rosary Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. ALICE VALSH. Pres.

MAWIX 1st this City. April 18. 1955, Ullliam J. Mannix beloved husband of Pessia Mannix. loving father of Mrs Marv M.

Collins. William Paul Mannix and Mrs. F.llzabeth R. Caldwell loving grandfather of four grandchildren rmtiva of Co. Oalway.

Ireland. A mem ber of the Holy Nam Soc ety of St Dominic's Church and the Connaught BOCIStV. Funeral Tuesday. April 19, at 8 '30 a m. from the Comlsky-Roche Funeral Horn, cor.

lth and Dolores Sts. thenc to St. Dominic'i Church wher a Requiem High Mass will be offered at 10 a. m. Interment Holv Cross Cemetery, Rosary Mon.

ev. at a ciock. MrMU.MN Tn Burllngame, April 15. 1955, Robert H. McMillan, beloved husband of Ion McMillan, loving on of the late Rosetta A McMillan, devoted broiaer of Mrs.

H. D. Sammls of r'in l-rnnrico and tne. mte mho Hickox and Mrs. John D.

Fldman; I native of Sin Francisco. Friends are Invited to attend the funeral service at 1 p. m. Monday. April IS.

at Gray s. Pivlsadero St. at Tost. Inurnment, Woodlawn Memorial rark. MH.I.F.R In this cltv.

April 1. 1955. Annie beloved wife of Harry Miller loving mother of Douelaa P. Milter. Mrs.

Joseph F. I.anum and Airs Howard Watson of Sacramento. devoted jlster of Samuel and Robert Douglas. Mrs. David Douglas.

Mrs. Robert Torrens and Mrs, James Bittlea and survived by seven grandchildren: a member of the Parkslde Gospel Chapel: a natlv of Ireland. Friends are Invited to attend funeral services Tuesday April 19 1955, at i' p. rru irom trie THEWS Chapel. Dlvlsartero St.

at Farrell. Interment. Cypres Lawn Ma-mortal Park. XF.K.LY In Oak Knoll. April 15, 1955, Robert Oilell Neelv dearlv Iteloved hus.

band of Raya Neely. loved father of Airs. Tont Grant, brother of Jim Neelv. A member of Georg Washington Lodge r. a.

m. o. r. Chapter i R. A.

Royal and Select Masters calif, council 2. California Com nundery 1 K. and Islam Temple or in nrine, leet Associa tion. Services Tuesday afternoon, 1:15 o'clock, at Hatsied Co. 1123 Suiter street, omoers or George wasmnston Lodge 525 F.

A. M. officiating. Interment. Golden Gat National Cemetery.

W.Z In this cltv, April 1. 1955. There? Quellmali. dearly beloved wife of the late Otto Quelimala. loving mother of Mrs.

Joan Klakowicz. dear grandmother of Roberta Klakowicz: a nativ of Germany. Friends ar Invited to attend the funeral services on Monday at 2:30 p. m. at the Chapel of H.

F. Suhr Co. 2919 Mission St. nr. 25th.

Inurnment, Cypres Lawn Memorial Park, RKnn In till cltv April 16. 1955. Frank H. Reed, dearly belovt husband of Patricia Reed, devoted father of Karin Lynn and Marilyn Ann Reed. lovins: Son of Ijiura Reed end the late Harry c.

Reed, dear brother of Vlr- glnia Rochester. John Reed and Diane lucger cousin or Harry Russell: A native of California, ased 34 vears A member of th Wholesale Liquor Salesmen's Union I.ocal 109. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services on Tuesday at 10 a. m. at the Chapel of H.

T. Buhr 2919 Mission nr. 25th. RORPRT Entered Into rest April 14, 1955, Henrietta Robert (nee Olaaer). beloved wif of Samuel Robert, devoted mother of Lotte Kallman, Henrv and Fred Robert, a very loving grandmother.

Service wer held Sunday. Sinai Memorial Chanel, nivlsadero Rt. at Geary. Inurnment, Emanuel Mausoleum. RITTLKDfiE In Guernevlll Calif.

April 17. 1955. Barbara A. beloved sister of Ernest A. Ruttledge of For-restvllle.

devoted aunt of Cant. Carlvle Kuiuedge, u.s.A. and me late j.i. 1'eiangton rluttleoc. U.3.N..

dear friend of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kjnenk or san Krancisco, also survive! hv brothers and sisters in Ireland; a native of Ireland, aged 78 vears Friends may call at Gantner Felder. Kenny Chapel. 19M Market Street at Dnboce Ave.

Funeral Tuepday at 3 p. m. Inurnment, Olivet Memorial Park. 1 Cecil V. Fewel Service! STERLING In San Francisco.

Anril 15. 1905. May R. Sterling, dearly beloved wife of Howard H. Sterling, beloved mother of Allen Sterling.

M.D.. If. K. and W. P.

Sterling. H. M. Sterling, M.D.. Mrs.

E. W. Bakke, Mrs W. Betsworth. Mrs.

C. R. Robertson. Mrs. Charles Mlnlck, Mrs Houston Duncan, Mrs.

M. Foss and Mrs. VV. A. Lewis; a nativeof Dakota Territory, aged 74 years.

A member of St. James Presbyterian Church. Friends are Invited to attend the funeral services 10 o'clock a. m. Monday, April IS, at Anderson's.

Valencia St. at 25th St. Intermant. Olivet Memorial Park. SVI.VA In San Francisco, April 1(1 John F.

Sylva dearly beloved husband of Ragnhlld Sylva, beloved ftther of June Chasmar. lovlnf grandfather of Laura Chasmar. loving brother of Cecilia Crawford and Arthur Svlva. father-in-law of Alexander chasmar; a native of Gloucester. aged 64 vears.

A member of Amalgamated Clothing Worker of America Local ro. 42. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services 1 clock p. m. Tuesday, April 19 at Anderson Valencia St.

at 25th St. Interment, Olivet M- monai iarK TEltltlLT. In this city, April 18, 1955. Jiutn 'lerriu, aeany beloved wif of Charle C. Terrlll; loving mother of Charle C.

Terrlll Mr. La Verne Andrew and grandmother of Carolyn, Patricia. Kathleen and Danny Terrlll, Susan and Bonn! Andrews, -and loving isier of William (John Harders) Funeral on Tuesday at p.m., from Ganter, Felder. Kenny Chapel, 1985 Market at Puboc Ave. Inurnment.

Woodlawn Memorial Park, a. m. from the Chapel of BUHR TM4.VER In San Anselmn. April 15. 1055.

Russell Edwin Thayer, adored son of Paul and Lorraine Thayer, loving brother of Douglas. I.ols and Paula Thayer, beloved srandson of Mrs, Julia R. Thayer and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.

Stout of Oakland; ft hatlv of California, aged 14 years, a member of St. Anselm's School. Friends are Invited to attend the funeral Tuesday. April 19. at 9 a.

from the Chapel of The Hills, 330 Red- mm Pre-arranged Af.TK Irt PtMn fnl.t Aiirii mm iuiiida Allien. v.ife of the late James ni.iiti. iiemveii momer t.I Airs lfiliiMh Gnw of Burlntuame scrvli -es will be licld Tues aay. ii. 1 H35.

ut 2 p. at the luminal jinrtu'irv of (Tosliv-N firnv 2 Park. BurllnKme. Inurnment private. BUCK In Oakland, April 15.

1955. Fred Dre.Mier, beloved husband of Evelyn DtcK, loving son of Mrs. Clara Berk, nephew of Mrs. Victor Lacrave and Miss Jessie Beck of Reno. a native of Nevada; affd 5S years: a member of the K.

No. 171. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend funeral services Monday. April 18 at 10:30 o'clock a. at the Frult-vsle Chapel of the Clarenct N.

Cooper Mortuaries, J5S0 Fruitvale Oakland. Services under tne auspices of the Rev. Fred Trevilt anj the Klks I.o.lse Iso. 171. Inurnment, ill.

View Crematory. (KE. 3-4114). ESPOSITO In San Jose. April 17 Rose KstMsito formerly of Oaktand'.

ilearly beloved mother of Florence Smiih. HMre.1 uran.lmother Patricia Smith, loving rt-iuctuer of Joseph and the late F.Ha Marino, sister of t.iwin. Peie, Julia, Milton iin.1 the ana rrfa imnie) Mirino, mother-in-law of James D. Smith: a native of San Francisco; aned 60 yea i e. Friends ara Invited to attend the funeral Wednesday.

April 20. at 9 a from the Chapel of Valente. yiaiim, reran o49 oreen thence to S8. Pet.r Pji.I'. where a Mas will be offered for the reposa of her soul commencing at 0:30 ni, r-nromoment.

Italian cemetery Rosary Tuesday avsnlng at 8 o'clock. FLKTCHfR In San Francisco. April 18 1955, fiaymond H. Fletcher, dearlv be loved Son Of Mr and Mrs Rivninn Fletcher and also survived by other reiauves; a native of San Francisco aged 4 years. Friends nr Invited 'to attend the ninerai services Tuesday April 10 1955, at 2:30.

from the chapel piim c- ir.nwi,ui i -i 11.5 Valencia, near 2Hth Street. Interment, Olivet Memorial Park. Clifford Anderson-Leslie Leonard-Wil'iinm Muzio-Service. FOI.I In this city. April IB.

1955. Helen M. Foley, dearly beloved daugh ter of the late Joseph J. and Mary 11 roiey, sister of the late Matthew Foley: a native of San Francisco. The funeral will take nine MonHnv April IS, at 8:30 a.m., from the jiemonai unapeis er carsw at English Masonic at Golden Oata thence to St.

Agnes' Church, Maeonto at Page where a Requiem Mass will be otrerea tor tha repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock. Interment. Holy Cross Cemetery. Rosary, Sunday evening at 8:15 o'clock. GIBnOXg In saa Francisco.

April 17. uavia xj, (iioiwns nearly beloved busband of the lata Margaret Gibbons, loving father of Margaret R. and David D. Gibbons belovM grendfathcr of Terry (Jihbonj. devoted brother of Mamie Ribbons, and the late same Giboons Hayes Marete Gib b'ns Laurence and Alexander Gibbons: native of San Francisco.

A member of Presidio (Sequoia) Parlor s. 3114, n.s.g.w a charter mem ber of sequoia Parlor and Corinthian Yacht Club of Tlbiiron. Friends are invited to attend the funeral on ednesday, April 20, at 9:30 a. from the Chapel of Valente, Marlnl. Perata 649 Green thence to St.

Dominic's Church. Btisrt at Stelner where a Renulem High Mass will bt offered for the repose of hla soul commencing at 10 a. m. Interment. Ilolv Cross Cemetery.

Spiritual bouquets preferred. Rosary Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. GH.BFRT In Oakland. April 17. 1955.

Jamea Edward Gilbert, beloved husband of Bella Gilbert, brother of Liz7i Kimmel and Kitty Morehouse of Indiana, brother-in-law of Klla Baccus Schwartlng and George Baccus. uncle of Marlorle Hard. Fred William T. and John C. Schwartlng; a native of Indiana, aced 82 years; a member of William McKinley Lodca No, S7G, F.

A. M. ot Chicago. 111. Friends are invited to attend services at the Telegraph Ave.

Chapel of Grant Miller Mortuaries. 2X50 Telegraph Oakland. Tuesday. April 19. 1955.

at 11 o'clock a. m. Services under Masonic auspices and Tr. T. F.

Hudson. Interment, lit. Olivet. Colma. GOLDSTEIN April IB.

1955. Lutie D. Goldstein, beloved sister of Hettie a. Ackerman. loved great-aunt of Mrs.

Anna L. Hines of New Augusta, Miss Isabel Louisson of Sacramento. Horace Brown of San Mateo, and A exanner Brown of Fresno Calif. Services Tuesday afternoon 2:00 o'clock at Halsted 1123 Sutter St. Interment.

Home of Peace. GOl'X In this city. April 16. 1955 Klara. beloved daughter of the lat Fmile and Georgine Goux; a native of California The funeral will take place Tuesday, April ia at a.

m. irom tne Me moria! Chapels of Carew English Masonic, at Oolden Gate Ave. thence to St. Paul's Church. Va lev and Churc where a Requiem High Mass will re oftered tor the repose or her sou commencing at in clock, interment Holy cross Cemetery.

Rosary Monday evening at ciock. GRAIMM April 17 1955. Oeoree Thorn as Graham, clearly beloved husband of Kathryn Graham, loving father of William and George Graham grandfather or iconise and Karnara ore ham: a ns tive of A member of the Hrewerv Driver na salesmen Local No. SSS. Funeral services Tuesday.

Anril 10 1055. at the Chanel of 3. O'Connor 455 Valencia St. Inter ment, Iktah.

Calif. Rosary Monday evening at ciock. HEISLKR In this city. April 17. jiiinis neioved misnatia or Bens k.

Helpler, devoted father of Doctor Walter and Sanfnrd I. Heisler. Contribution to 8. F. Heart Ass'n pre ferred.

Service Tuesday. 10 a. Sinai Memorial Chapel. Dlvisadepo at Geary, inurnment, fcmanuel aiauso-leum. HK.HKEV In San Diego, Rudolph Iferren.

neloved son of Frierla ilerren loving brother of Martha Munson, ami Otto Herren. uncle of Kenneth Munson Services Monday afternoon, 1:30 o'clock, Halsted 1121 Flitter Bt Interment, Golden Gate Iational Cemetery. HOROAX April 16. 1955, Edward beloved husband of Gean Horgan, lov. ing son of the lats Daniel and Nora Horgan, loving brother of John, Genevieve, Daniel and the late I.eo Horgan, loving stepbrother of Jerry Sullivan Xtrm KI.11I.

IT. i-ralt Matiira nf California, a member the Brother hood of Railway Clerks. Friends are invited to attend the funeral Tuesday. April 19. 1955 at 9:30 a.

from Duggan's, 3434 17th nr. Valencia. JOHNSON In Redwood Cltv. April 17. 1955.

L. Helen Johnson, beloved wife of the late Charles A. John-eon, loving mother of Inland L. Johnson of Palo Alto and Mrs. Norma Sutherland of Retwood Cifv.

dear sister of Theo Vollsraff of San Jose. i Charles Burchell of Marysville. J. W. Burchell of Santa and lliomas Burchell of Kl Paso.

Texas, dear grandmother of James and Prad John son of rain Alto, (iaii ana joan siiin-eriand of Redwood City; a native of Grande, seed 61 years. Funeral services Tuesday. April 19. 1955. at 2:30 P.

at the A. W. Ntittman Funeral Home, 907 Washington Santa Clara. Interment, Oak Hill Memorial Park. KIM MF, It LING In this city.

Mary Kim- merllng. loving mother of Margaret Smith of Indianapolis, Pauline llariac of Denver, and Edna Sweeney, grand mother of Jay C. Crotty of San Rafael Mrs. Kimmerling is resting at the Cathedral Mortuary. 1724 Sacramento at Polk Street, until 2 p.

m. Tuesday, when th Rev. John Collin will officiate. Jos, Hagan Sons. Plrectors.

PRE-MARITAL EXAMS. DR J. M. WHITE and STAFF 90 Market Rm. 81 6 De Youna BM.

Hours 9-6 Sat. 9-1. Phone DO 2-49JB. Auction Sales BUTTERFIELD BUTTERFIELD 1244 Sutter Stroct ORdnay 3-1362 IMMENSE AUCTION TODAY MONDAY LOWER SALESROOM 10 A.M. 3 Selnn 1 P.M Tl I.MIAY M.VIJf SALESROOM 1 P.M.

Fred K. Butterileld Auctioneer AUCTION TONIGHT Commenefng at 7:30 P.M. Quality Furniture in suite and Occasional pieces Jewelry -Art Objects China Silver Lakeshore Auction Gallery f.akeahAre Ave. THInoaks OAKUM) PUBLIC AUCTION NEW FURNITURE Rig 4 day Auction rteginnlng 10:31) a.m. THIS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 and continuing Saturday, 10:30 to 8 p.m.

at Peonle'a Furniture Co. IM3 MISSION ST. Open for Inspection NOWl Frea Parking. Lew Wlnatoo, Irwin Fnedman, Auctioneer This Examination Is What You Need! Another commemoration of the disaster will be a luncheon of the 1906 Club at the Hotel Whitcomb today. The club, composed of those who experienced the fire and earthquake and those who helped In the city's rebuilding, will discuss.

plans for next year's fiftieth anniversary observance to be comhined with the100th anniversary of the establish-! ment of the San Francisco city-county government form on April 19, 1856. John P. Doran, an attorney, will preside as president of the club. Aubrey Drury of the Call fornia Historical Society has aided in arrangements for the meeting. Commercial Club Luncheon Today The 1906 fire and earthquake will be the occasion for a civic luncheon in the Commercial Club at noon today, the forty-ninth anniversary of the San Fran Ci 1 Philip Winchester, general manager of the General Adjustment Bureau in New York, will discuss, "Meeting the Impact of the Catastrophe," The event win be sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific, and the Commercial Club.

Small Business Institute Opens a smau Dusiness institute. sponsored by the California Metal Trades Association, the San Francisco Bay Area Council and the Small Business Admin istration, opens today at the University of San Francisco. Edward L. Turkington, re gional director of the small business administration here, said the institute will continue through May 23. He said it is being held primarily for owners and managers of small manu facturing concerns.

Trade Association MeetsWednesday The World Trade Association of the San Francisco Chamber: of Commerce yesterday an nounced that they will hold their dinner meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Domino Club, 25 Trinity Place. Special guests at the meeting, which will feature a discussion period on problems confronting shippers and traders in develop ing more International business will include Frank E. Feliz and J. Morrison, general manager and traffic manager respective ly, of The Northern California Ports and Terminals Bureau, and George E.

Talmage, vice-president of traffic of the Pacific Transport Lines, Inc. "Mary Anne," by world famed Daphen DuMaurier lively fiction but based on historical fact read this merry tale in your Sunday Examiner. DUPLICATED REPAIRED AND RELINED 1 to 7 Hour Service REASOHABLE PRICES Teeth Replaced in Plates While You Wait NEW PLATES IN I DAY A new plastic material enable! dentists to replace teeth in semt dental plates In thirty minutes. (No Appointment Necessary) Low Prices: Liberal Terms Extractions Dridgewortt X-llaro Filling- Inlay Dr. Reblnien Say: Now If Time to Have Needed Dental Work Attended Tol Phone UH.

I-5I58 the Door to Health Dlreetar-Sorcesvor I ililiUjlipiii I cise so The At with ger rally, ugiy men ail want DIZZINESS HKADACHKS KYKNTKAIN DEAFNESS JSKKVOl SNESS TIREDNESS ANEMIA Ntl RITIS FKMAI.K TltOl BLE Pr. R. W. Spauldinf, D.C. WE PUT THE Let 111 put tlie spotlight of Science oh your nnily.

Let us give It an all-over, eagle-eye Examination by X-Ilaj. Let us test and record the operation of every Important organ, muscle and nerve. Go with us on this tour of phyalcal Inspection, rheeklng the vital points that keep you healthy If they function normally or make yon Sim If they foil to do so. You may be ure, If anything Is not Jl ST RIGHT, our Examination will find Itt The reason for your pain, suffering or discomfort will be explained! Let Us Show You 0.7 Your Body From giDU Head to Foot, for PALPITATION BRONCHITIS ASTHMA I LCEHS CONSTIPATION fiAS 1.1 MB AGO SCIATICA (Hemorrhoids) SPOTLICIrT ON TROl'BLE For This X-Ray Examination AMI A TRIAL SAN FRANCISCO 702 Wilson Bldq. '7J Market St.

EX. 8-0820 Frl. 0 a.m. to p.m. Tues.

Thurs. 10 a.m. to 7 p.i Sat. 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

a tkeatml.m Here What the COMPLETE EXAMiyATIOM Covert HEART AXD BLOOD VESSKLS: With cir ears, we actually HEAR the heart beats. With our eyes we actually SEE its size, position, movements. We recrrd these and test the ability of the blood vessels to carry blood to various organs with our Heartometei test. LI N'GS: Fluoroscopic X-Ray the lung structure at work. Respiratory action is checked.

STOMACH AXD COLON) We PEE the position, condition and functioning1 of the 8tomach and Intestines with barium in the bowels. I HINALYsIS: Chemical analysis ot urine t-i find hidden causes. PHYSICAL TESTS: Complete and factual Everything that can be seen, heard, felt or measured Is checked and recorded. rit'FRSWOmC IS OtT TRUTHS ARE ESTABLISHED AND EXPLAINED TO YOU IN SIMPLER. EVERYDAY WORDS.

If we cannot help you we will tell you so. game Service Both Offices, 15 Years Practice In the Bay Area, on. hay i.r. SAN MATEO 150 last 4r Av. Dl.

3-2781 Hour Sat. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mon Frl. 1 p.m.

to 7 p.m. Let's Go Salmon Fishing j. I No one want to be fat. Ci- ut tarvation diets ars torture. Often make you nibble between meals.

Strenuous exer may also increase your you actually add weight. why the safe R.DX "Full-' Stomach" Plan is so amazing. No rigid diets, no tiresome dangerous drugs, no hormones. You lose ugly fat still eat all you want! Hundreds of families have been pro tecfed from future worry and financial embarrassment through Halsted pre-arranged funeral plans. Your family too will appreciate your thoughtfulness in providing this rsassaMaaMM iaaBaaBaBaacaKBIaaBaaasataaaaSHBaaaBBaK per! COMPLETE PHYSICAL AND FLUOROSCOPIC HOW IT WORKS clinically-tested R.DX Plan helpi reduce your craving for fattening foods.

the same time, you Gil your stomach all you want never suffer hun tantrums." You lose weight natu fast! Feel pleasantly yet tat seems to awayi Get pleasant- r. i 8 A UX ounder X-RAY EXAMINATION HALSTED CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS STREET. ORdway 1.3009 For the thrill of a lifetime for fun and recreation for a day off from cares and worries let Cap'n Fin plan your next day off. He will make all arrangements for you or a group on a party fishing boat.

Cap'n Fin will advise you as to gear needed, license requirements, and latest fishing information. There is no charge for this service. Cap'n Fin is at The Examiner Sports and Hobbies Center (Want Ad Lobby, Third and Market Streets). See him Monday through Friday during the fishing season, between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Get set for. the leason now. SCIENTIFIC EX MI.VATIOV Respiratory System; Mouth and Throat; Sinuses; X-Ray Fluoroscopic of Internal Organs; Heart; Spinal Nervous System; Abdomen; Pelvic; Female: Kidney and Urin Test: Blood Pressure; on completion of yonr examination doctor will explain tn detail hi complete findings. Bring specimen of morning L'rlne tasting R.D.X. tablets today.

Lose the weight you or your money back! SPEC1.MIZFH HEART EXAMINATION In addition to our regular X-ray examination we will give you. without additional cost, the famnua Dr Von Recklinghausen OseiUotonometer Heart Examination. This examination slon la worth many times our complete charge. (3 eovera all. I VwV mi MivArf MtKINO ENCLOSURE FLOWERS I from 324 4RANT A VS.

Utttr 1.6109 I.THCY 111) SUTTER viur dPst C05T NO MORS NO APPOINTMENT NEt'ESSARV HOIRS: 10 AM. TO P.M. DA 1 1, a' THE SHANE DIAGNOSTIC FOUNDATION 948 MARKET STREET, SUITE 514 Maiort and Market Coll $Utfr 1-341 Wonr! Ifl A.M. P.M. P4TTT IDr, H.

Carter, D.O., 1.

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.